Any ideas on outdoor flooring that can be laid right over grass

I'm a renter with a big backyard. I need to create an outdoor space with flooring and shade than can be removed easily if we ever decide to move. Nothing too tacky but useful.
Best garden flooring for rentals!
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Sorry don't have that camera anymore.
Hello I have the same question. I would just like to use the ideas mentioned below for a day for a gathering. Would it harm the grass if you lay it down for a day?
I saw these interlocking plastic ones at Big Lots and our neighbor made a small patio area using them. It looks super cute with his little cast iron chair and love seat. I think they are not expensive either.
I'm trying to find an inexpensive way to floor my gazebo that won't kill my grass but look great?
Well what about just putting down mulch? Other option would be to check out exterior rugs, home depot normally has a neat selection. They're designed for patios.
Great ideas guys.I think that I will get my handyman to put down pallets then cover them with a rug.I have a nice size yard so I am not stressed out when it comes to loosing the grass in that area.
how did the composite decking workout? I’m in the same situation and trying not to kill the grass because I’ll have to move out in 15 months
Dead grass on a relatively small area could be fixed with sod.
How about getting a gazebo and then placing an interlocking brick or wood look square under it. According to their rep, they have an open design for airflow and allow drainage. You can see them online at shops like Lowe's and Home Depot.
An inexpensive solution would be to lay pieces of cardboard down and then place a large outdoor carpet over that. Then create your sitting area.
A piece of artificial grass may work.
Most anything you put on the grass is going to kill the grass over time. If keeping the grass alive is your concern, then I don't think you have an option. If you don't care about it dying (you can always reseed it before you move out), I would use squares of decking to create a seating area.
I like the idea of pallets and a rug.
Pallets would work well and you could probably anchor them to the ground to prevent some movement. You can also purchase temporary concrete deck footings such as these. such as thesesuc
Hi Will, since you mentioned that you're a renter, you might want to check to be sure your landlord is okay with you "killing" the grass by covering it with whatever you decide. The landlord might even be willling to kick in on the expense if approached.
Hello, they make some fabulous mats for RV's nowadays that would work well for this purpose!
Have the same problem only not worrying about the grass. I have a 12 x12 area I also have a grass carpet for it what can I put on the top soil under the carpet?
For an easy and removable outdoor flooring solution, consider interlocking deck tiles. They're pretty stylish and you can lay them right over grass without much hassle. Plus, they’re simple to pick up and take with you if you move.
You coulld go for Timber Deck made of Tiles you could easily lift!
Hi Wil L, I noticed this is a really old post and you may have moved on from your rental....or not. Could you let us know what you used any of our suggestions?
This would work right over grass... Decking it would be something you could easily take with you.
For something temporary but still nice, I’d recommend interlocking deck tiles for the flooring. They’re easy to install and remove, plus they look pretty clean and modern.
Hi Wil: The only problem I can see with putting down anything is killing the grass :( If, and when, you take up the temp floor, the grass will be killed and maybe there will be a muddy mess. Check with your landlord before doing anything that can cause this.