Did anyone out there build a DIY pergola... tips?

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We did. We used the plans below. It took us 2 days and the materials cost about $250.00.
N Boulder Pergola
Use pressure treated wood or cedar
We used pressure treated wood. Put put a plastic sleeve over the wood. That was over 15 years ago. Just hose it down once a year.
Use oak or you could use Pressure Treated Wood.
Use 4 posts 6*6 for the corners and make a box on top run cable (cheap fix is IKEA drapery cable system) to run parallel lines. Use canvas cloth with grommets and your shade can be moved open or closed. You could also put side drapes. Painters canvas drop cloths are great and can be painted if you want designs.
Instead of attaching it to the wall it can stand free by using 4x4 posts and building the top on those. Most pergolas I've seen are freestanding, and not attached. This link may help https://www.diynetwork.com/how-to/outdoors/structures/how-to-build-a-pergola
cement your posts into large boxes or planters
CHeck these awesome Hometalkers' pergolas out t get started http://www.hometalk.com/categories/woodworking/garden-needs/pergolas
Here's the DIY pergola we built:
Hope it helps!
Liz, SimpleDecoratingTips.com
Depending upon the size you want, simply using 2x4‘s and 2x2‘s for construction (stained to your taste) will look good without breaking the bank
Click on the link below and you will find ideas for DIY pergolas to build and decorate, here on Hometalk.
This awesome Hometalker has some awesome tips!
This should help
Build Your Own Pergola for an Outdoor Retreat
4 upright Timbers 2.5 metres long (enough height including for sinking in hole). Set into ground 450/500ml deep. Buy 4 bags "Postcrete" for quick setting (Sets in mins). Use a Spirit level to make sure they are uptight and true. Buy enough cross timbers to choice allowing 1foot overhang each side (allowing 300ml (1ft). And screws or nails to fix
I would buy a pre-fab vinyl or aluminum kit, on clearance, as wood ones will need to be pressure treated or synthetic wood, if you don’t want to paint and re-paint it, every two years.
If you’ve the time, the tools & the skills, there are many DIY plans for pergolas onine & for just few bucks at big box DIY stores & real lumber yards. Be sure & buy exactly the materials & fasteners that they specify. Expect it to take twice as long as planned, in my experience.
It needs be anchored to the concrete, so that a storm doesn’t send it crashing into a house or car. That will require a long concrete drill bit, epoxy cement and long galvanized eye bolts. Measure twice, drill once.
Here’s the part no one likes to read:
Before any of this, make sure your local City Planning & Zoning Ordinances allow you to put this where you want it and that it’s not too tall & is structurally sound.
Yes, the Cities and the Counties have Ordinances on these things.
Depending on the size, construction methodology & the jurisdictional agencies, you may need a Building Permit.
It’s worth making some phone calls, as non-permitted construction can be both Fined & Razed by the jurisdictional agencies.
My husband built both the pergola and the grape arbor. Since we live in Maine, the post holes (he dug them) go four feet into the ground. The lattice is from Home Depot and on pergola a found piece shown here. He laid the brick for the patio (eight feet across) The pergola is more than 14' long. AS jobs go these were not difficult (except for post holes) however my husband is a person who goes from one project to another, painting an oil portrait, then building a pergola, then making a half hull model. In other words he has spent very much of his life in self training on projects he is interested in.
"Plant" the ends in larger pot planters and seal before filling pots with soil and plants to preserve the ends. User friendly and aesthetically pleasing also mobile
If you just want it roofed for shade versus completely roofed it just takes some 2x4's in the right length.
These free plans will explain how.
You can use outdoor canvas if want shade, or use clear corrugated roofing or plexiglass.
Here is link to a pergola my husband and I built several years ago, (and 3 houses ago) The key that made it easy was using the fiberglass columns. They mounted directly on the concrete patio and wouldn't have issues from the water. Maybe it will offer some inspiration to your project! :)
PVC Pipes and for sides and top use plastic white lattice. My husband made one in front of our small pool. Dig holes for pipe and pour saccrete for pvc pipes 5 or 6 inches in diameter. We moved so I'm not sure of the size. The top took 3 lattice pieces I think they were about 4x8. Concrete base.
These are two articles that show how we took our small and sad deck and turned it into a gorgeous entertainment space complete with a pergola. Hope they help with some inspiration! Hugs, Holly
i would add plexi glass and have ivy all over
My sister built her own pergola and it’s beautiful. I think her best accent piece was that she planted grapevines in pots at the four corners. She did not put them in the ground so that they wouldn’t rot the wood and at the end of every season she cuts them, so they will not rot the wood for winter…but they grow fast and come back every season to cover the structure.
Could you post a picture and information about your pergola? Did you build it and how does it look?
Hi Lisa! You can check out this article for more information on DIY pergola. Hope this helps!
A few years back we had a small custom made pergola that fit our small yard perfectly. We ordered it from this company and they worked with our custom design. was very happy with the result. https://columnsandbalustrades.com/fiberglass-pergolas/
We helped our neighbor and the few tips I have is have plenty of extra help and use work platform/ bench instead of ladders.
I've not built a pergola but my son had one professionally built and gave it a fair amount of thought before he contracted the work. Now that's it is done he wishes he'd had the roof slats angled differently to get more shade in the late afternoon and evening because of the direction in which his yard faces. Lots to consider!
Hi Lisa! You can check out this article on how to make your own pergola. Hope this helps!