Beer Cap Bathroom Floor

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Looks great!!
Wow! Fantastic floor!!!
Wow! What a fun idea! We'll be doing this when we get to the basement Bathroom. Thanks for posting,
Can I just say... I Love This!!!
and I love your creativity and vision ❤️
and surely perseverance through the nay-Sayers.
Thanks for the inspiration Cristy!!
I love when people think outside the box and go for it! Well done!
Wow! Wow! Wow! What fun. Just a great conversation piece. Thanks for sharing with all of us.
This looks amazing!! I am working on doing this for my kitchen - have finally collected 10,000 caps and am working on the design now. Would love any tips that you have!! Main thing I'm worried about is the caps getting dented somehow if alot of weight is pressed in one spot.
Cool and fun!
This is exactly what I want to do in my basement bathroom ! How long did it take ? How exactly did you do it ?
They rust from the bottom. Up. Moister will collect from underneath
My bad. Moisture
what did you use to hold them down initially before the epoxy? What is "thin set"?
Thin set is a type of mortar (like concrete) that is mixed to a batter consistency, applied to the floor using tools for tiling a floor. The bottle caps were then placed onto the mortar. Let dry, then they likely applied grout, just as you would on a tile floor, then they sealed to keep the finish on the bottle caps shiny and finish the floor to a smooth finish for easy cleaning and waterproof finish. That is a great look. It would also be pretty applied to foam board and framed in a picture frame as conversation art. Great share, Cristy!
I have a question for you
What brand of epoxy did u use. How much did it take to do the whole floor. Getting ready to do the same project in one of my bathrooms
Pls,may I know the products u used?
This floor would be so cool in a Frat House bathroom!