Can melamine paneling be painted it’s in the bathroom??

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Melamine is a little tricky because it has such a slippery finish on it. I would sand it lightly, then use a really good primer. Test the primer on a small area first. If it doesn't scrap off after it dries, then paint the whole surface with it. Finish with a good quality latex enamel or acrylic paint.
There is paint made for melamine, I think it's called Cabinet Rescue. I also think the Krylon or Rustoleum spray paints designed for plastic would work.
You need to scuff the gloss off with sandpaper and coat them with a good BONDING primer. Be sure to clean the surface well first.
chalk paint will stick to almost anything.
Hello Gert, yes you can paint paneling. Hope these help you out.
Sand with 220 grit sand paper, prime, and paint.