Asked on Dec 29, 2024

Can you do laundry on new year's eve?

Bobby Reynolds
by Bobby Reynolds

Do you believe in the New Year’s Eve laundry superstition?

I’ve heard people say you shouldn’t do laundry on New Year’s Eve because it’s supposed to wash away good luck or bring bad luck into the new year. Is this just a myth, or do some of you actually follow this tradition?

I’m curious if anyone has had experiences with this or if you have other New Year’s Eve traditions you swear by.

Does doing laundry on New Year’s Eve really bring bad luck?

  11 answers
  • Janice Janice on Dec 29, 2024

    Hi Bobby, I had never heard doing laundry on New Year's eve causing bad luck in the following year. I did a google search and was amazed to learn about so many differing ideas, traditions about bringing bad and good luck by observing certain traditions. IMHO it comes down to what you choose to believe. This reminds me of one of my Dad's "habits" which we all laughed about but it endeared him to us....if a black cat ran across the road in front of us, he'd always turn his hat around backwards! Then after driving a while longer, he readjust it to the correct way of wearing it. Your question is s an interesting one. . HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Dec 29, 2024

    I have never heard of not doing laundry on New Years Eve. The only know about eating black eyed peas are supposed to bring good luck.

    • Dee Dee on Dec 30, 2024

      Black eyed peas and cabbage here in the south. The cabbage represents wealth.

  • William William on Dec 29, 2024

    Never heard of it. Too many 'old wives tales' for good luck and bad luck. Most are myths based on peoples perceptions.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Dec 30, 2024

    Look there is nothing to stop you doing laundry any day of the year, if you are comfortable with it! Some might say you are removing all the messy stuff from the old year to make room for the new!

  • Betsy Betsy on Dec 30, 2024

    Hi Bobby: Well, you can look at it this way: You are washing all of the bad things out of your clothes and life if you do the laundry on the last day of the year and are starting out fresh and new :) I'm not big on superstitions, knock on wood! :)

  • Janice Janice on Dec 31, 2024

    Never heard of the laundry myth but do remember some of my parents friends always serving black-eyed peas....which seemed strange!

  • Evp143886469 Evp143886469 on Jan 02, 2025

    New Year’s Eve is about letting go of the past and looking forward to a new year. In the Caribbean, the people believe that the New Year should not meet you with dirty clothes in your home, or a dirty house, because you will live like that for the rest of the New Year, unrest in the home, and no peace in the home.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jan 02, 2025

    Hi Bobby, hope this helps you. Open windows and doors at midnight to let bad out and good in. Have real cash in your wallet at midnight, gift cards and other cards don't count.

    You should not clean house or laundry on New Year's day, you will wash away the luck that came in with the new year. Noodles, pork, whole fish and pomegranate seeds can also bring you luck in the new year. Don't eat Lobsters, crab or chicken on new year's eve, lobsters walk backwards, crabs walk sideways and chickens have wings and could make your luck fly away.

    Grapes and lentils aren't the only things you can eat to bring good fortune to 2025.

    Pigs have always been considered lucky, so a meal with pork can bring prosperity.

  • I've heard similarly, don't be doing on New Year's Eve something you want to be stuck doing all year long and also carry items you wish to be using to better your life but I've never found either of those to ring true, intentionally or not.

  • Dee Dee on Jan 04, 2025

    I go by why take a chance. I did all my laundry today LOL

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law 3 days ago

    I have always heard it is new years day you aren't supposed to sweep or do laundry. Also, whatever you do that day indicates your year. I hope not because my husband cut his hand with a table saw & we were at urgent care getting stitches to the tune of $160!