Asked on Jun 02, 2018

Can you paint the mesh fabric of outdoor chairs?

Melissa Barnes
by Melissa Barnes
  19 answers
  • Deb K Deb K on Jun 02, 2018

    Hi, here is a video

  • Cheryl Gillman Cheryl Gillman on Jun 02, 2018

    Yes you can!

    If you are doing a design it may be easier if you put a piece of cardboard behind the material while you paint then take it away when you're done.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jun 02, 2018

    Yes, you can paint the mesh with Rustoleum or another water-resistant paint, just like the metal arms and frame. But for the mesh, use a dry brush method so you don’t block the holes in the mesh. An actual cheap 4” brush is better because the plastic bristles will keep popping any air bubbles and help keep the holes open. If you spray paint, go over it with a dry paintbrush to do the same thing. Best wishes ☺️

    • Vidya Vidya on Jun 04, 2021

      Do you recommend a way to remove paint and start over? I did not to the dry brush method and it is not looking good. :(

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  • Vljefferson Vljefferson on Jun 02, 2018

    Use spray paint.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Jun 02, 2018

    You can paint almost any item provided you purchase the correct paint for the job at hand.

  • Melissa Barnes Melissa Barnes on Jun 02, 2018

    Thanks all! Going to turn faded red to blue!

  • Rick Rick on Jun 02, 2018

    Check with the paint department at Lowes or Home Depot to make sure you buy a paint that will not crack or peel since it will be used for sitting. I painted a vinyl strap lounge chair at long time ago and it was a bad idea. My Aunt & Uncle came to visit and when she went to lay in the sun here in Lee County, Florida the straps broke and her butt hit the cement. It was a dangerous situation and she could have been injured badly. But she wasn't and we all had a good laugh because she had a cocktail in her hand and never spilled a drop, Too Funny !!!!! Rick Allen

  • Tammy Lee Cato Tammy Lee Cato on Aug 15, 2020

    What kind of paint

  • Janice Janice on Dec 04, 2020

    Here's what's been done in the past by Hometalkers.

    Can you paint the mesh fabric of outdoor chairs?
  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jun 04, 2021

    Vista, soak the area that is clogged with paint by using paint remover or soap and water. When you have removed all the paint you can, let the area dry. Then use a dry brush or very fine spray paint, on the front and back, applying the paint one thin layer at a time. This is for plastic webbing. Real cane requires special paint and even gentler processing. I hope this works for you.

  • Shecago Shecago on Aug 10, 2021

    The best and easiest way, is to use RIT Synthetic Dye. I preferred this way as it did not cover up the mesh holes as spray paint or chalk paint would.

    Clean Chairs

    I used 7oz bottle of liquid dye for 6 chairs.

    My chairs were beige/brown and I wanted light green as I was painting the arms and legs white with spray paint.

    After spray paint arms and legs you can dye the paint on the chair.

    I used the 7oz liquid synthetic dye. Poured the dye in a small pan that I got from the dollar store. It came with a small sponge roller.

    I used approx 2 tablespoons of vinegar with the dye.

    I rolled over the the mesh with the small paint roller, making sure it was wet but not dripping. I did the front, back, seat and underneath.

    Once dried. I got a second small roller and pour in the RIT colorstay to lock in the color.

    I did not do one chair with the Liquid RIT Colorstay and the color bled and dripped. The frost from the night before left waterspots on the chair.

    But for this all I had to do was apply the color stay and it actually removed the spots.

    I have since left the chairs out in the rain, no spots and no dye running.

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    • See 1 previous
    • Andrea Andrea on Jan 04, 2025

      That is exactly what I need to do, but my chairs have a bright blue mesh and I want them light brown-beige. Would the dye work to cover?

  • Agnes Chrzanowska Agnes Chrzanowska on Nov 30, 2021

    of course bring a thread to paint store

  • Holly Lengner - Lost Mom Holly Lengner - Lost Mom on Dec 01, 2021

    You can spray paint them.

  • Andrea Andrea on Jan 04, 2025

    Did you finally paint them? How? What worked for you

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jan 05, 2025

    Yes I believe you can!

  • Dee Dee on Jan 06, 2025

    Yes you can paint chairs. I would use Rustoleum Spray paint as it is oil based and will last a long time.