Can you plug a microwave into an extension cord
Can you plug a microwave into an extension cord?

Hey Hometalkers, I need some advice on using an extension cord with my microwave and if it's safe to do so?
I'm also wondering what's the longest extension cord I can use without causing harm to my microwave. And if anyone has any recommendations for what type of extension cord is best suited for a microwave, I'd love to hear them.
Are there any safety precautions I should take when using an extension cord with my microwave? Will it affect the performance of my microwave in any way?
I'm a bit confused about this, so it would be great if anyone with experience or knowledge in this area could share some detailed instructions on how to use an extension cord with a microwave oven safely.
Thanks in advance
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I use an extension cord with my microwave. Make sure it's a three prong grounded cord. 12 gauge wire, maximum length I suggest is 6 feet. As the cord gets longer there is a voltage drop. Also check the wattage output of your microwave on the tag and get a cord with the same wattage.
This is what GE had to say regarding this:
We strongly recommend that an extension cord not be used with a microwave due to potential safety hazards under certain conditions. Your microwave should be plugged into its own properly grounded, dedicated electrical outlet to prevent the flickering of the lights, blowing of a fuse or tripping of a circuit breaker.
It's not recommended and I wouldn't do it.
Likely it would be best not to use and extension cord but rather plug into a 3-prong wall outlet for a couple of reasons. You'll want to be sure the extension cord coordinates with the wattage of the microwave and also that the extension cord doesn't cause a tripping hazard or cause the microwave to possibly be pulled off where it is sitting.
Hi Bracha, if you do use an extension cord,
the extension cord must be a three-wire grounding type appliance cord that has an Underwriters Laboratory (UL) approval and mentions the current it can handle. The extension cords are usually marked 15 or 20 amps. Hope this helps you out.
never plug high power capacity appliances, like space heaters, refrigerators, or microwave and toaster ovens into power strips or extension cords. These appliances have higher power capacity and need to be plugged into a wall outlet directly.
I wouldn't do it, many good reasons listed in answer to your question. Although many people do.
It's not recommended but if you purchase one of the large industrial 3 pronged cords for a short distance, you should be okay. I think William's guidelines on usage is spot on.
As they use full power, I would never do that for fear of a fire etc.
It seems like it's not recommended to use an extension cord, safer to plug it right into the wall.
It's generally not a good idea as Mogie has pointed out. It's possible but not the safest route.