Can you put a bar of soap in the toilet tank?
Can you put a bar of soap in a toilet tank?

I am always looking for a good cleaning hack and came across one where a lady put a bar of soap in the toilet tank. Before I try this out, I was wondering if it could cause issues.
Best toilet bowl cleaner!
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I've read conflicting views on this idea. Personally, I wouldn't do it.
I've heard of complications with it and the seals inside the tank. Bar soap has quite the residue build up I have observed as my husband uses bar soap and I do not, his shower requires much more cleaning than mine.
If you want a clean toilet tank use a product called THE WORKS. I will remove the dirt grime and rust from the tank. Pour in let soak for a few hours and use a brush to clean the sides. Flush. Once clean it should last a REALLY long time. I would not put a bar of soap in the tank.
Hey there, Danielle! Based on what I have read, Experts have warned the public not to put dishwashing liquid down the toilet as it's bad for the pipes. Also, you can check out this link for more information. Hope this helps!
My brand of commode, says not to put anything in the tank as it will void the warranty. I would never put soap as it could leave scum.
I don't see for what purpose. It will slowly dissolve and the chemicals can damage the rubber seals. It can also create buildup in the toilet flush ring since it won't be rinsed off well.
I would not do it, it could effect the seals and the ring that seats them.
Maybe try it out by using the ends of soap when you replace a bar?
That I personally would not try. The soap could foam up, damage the tank, or cause other issues.
I wouldn't recommend doiong this as it might result in soap scum forming on the inside of the tank plus over time it is likely to affect the seals in the tank.
I would not put a bar of soap in a toilet tank. Instead, I would use a toilet bowl cleaner like this one:
This cleaner is also septic tank safe.
Hope this Helps! Jeremy
Since soap is fat-based, it could lead to a build-up on the interior surface. If you are looking to keep the tank clean, I would go with vinegar.
NO NO NO! Never put soap in your toilet tank - it will leave scum build up and ruin seals. Will cause you problems when you didn't have any to begin with. I would not do it.
Seems like people are divided on this issue. Personally I wouldn't but using vinegar appears to be recommended by everyone.
I don't understand why this has to be done? 🙄All such there are special products that will dissolve properly and perform their cleaning functions.
Here's a post that might help -
Hi Danielle, hope this helps you. the answer is no. I don't see for what purpose, it won't clean the tank water. It will slowly dissolve and the chemicals can damage the rubber seals. It can also create buildup in the toilet flush ring since it won't be rinsed off well.
I would be very insecure about adding anything that enters into the toilet bowl to accomplish a task of cleaning this, that, and the other. All too often toilet parts are set up to fail, resulting in problems and replacements.
Try it with the end of soap bar first before using the whole bar.
Don’t do it. I’m speaking from first hand experience and I’ve had problem ever since I did it. Now does anyone know how to clear up the problem???