Chunk taken out of a leg on a table any way to fix this (dog)?

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Well bought in at Garage sale wood piece attachment that holds leg with wood and screws wood rottedd 3x3 piece can I use a steel replacement one?
We've used a product called Rock Hard (from Home Depot or Lowe's or other hardware store) with success. It's a powder that you mix with water to make a paste. Fill in whatever, smooth it out and it dries..... wait for it..... rock hard.
Then you can sand and paint it. (It's a yellowish tan color)
Someone was throwing out this chair. It had a lot of detail that was broken on both front legs. I used woodfiller and added a tad bit of water to make a dough and molded to the chair. Then sanded it. I made the beads and even the foot that had a big chunk out of it. I don't know how old the chair is but I have had it for 14ys.
Hello, bondo or hardening air dry clay, it is moldable and you can paint it.