How can I clean burnt sugar off glass stove top?

I was boiling sugar and water on the stove and it boiled over on my glass stovetop, and of course immediately hardened. Now I can't get burnt sugar on the glass stove top off and it is ruined! I tried glass top cleaner but it made no difference :(. Help, does anyone know how to get burnt sugar off stove top?
Got hard to remove stains?!
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Just boiled over some Lemon/Lime bar mix I was making, and two spots under the pot were fully carbonized before I realized what was happening. While still warm I scraped off 98% with a razor edged scraper blade, then followed up with a ceramic top cleaning paste. It cleaned off perfectly with no scratches at all from the razor, but the two badly carbonized spots pitted the surface a bit, as described by Elaine Simmons. It doesn't look bad and the top is slightly damaged, but far from ruined. My only worry is that the pitting might weaken the ceramic under repeated heat/cool cycles and the top might eventually crack, but for now it was just a lesson learned.
The ceramic material is much harder than the steel in a razor blade or scraper, so you don't have to worry about scratching the surface, but I strongly recommend against using a carbide scraper blade.
After trying several of the above ideas, I put the burner on high and got the glass very hot. I immediately took a wet, soapy sponge and the burnt on honey wiped right off. Be careful not to burn your fingers.
Get a pointed knife and some oil. Find your starting point. As you lift apply oil under to help it come off easier
We just scraped the top layer off and used a magic eraser for the burned sugar. It worked like a charm.
Soft Scrub with Oxi, a Dobie scouring pad, a pan of warm rinse water, and some patience.
I had a large amount of cranberry sauce bowl over and the simple sugar water turned to hard crack and hard/gooey globs.
I got the Dobie wet, poured some Soft Scrub on the cooktop and gently rubbed it in circles. It didn't take much elbow grease; just patience and a few applications.
Dried it off and then cleaned it with my usual glass cleaner.
Had a fudge mishap last night and the marshmallow/evaporated milk/sugar mixture spilled EVERYWHERE. I’ve used some of these suggestions minus the razor blade (I’m WAY to uncoordinated to risk it) and got almost all of it off except a few spots have a verrrry thin last layer that’s being super stubborn!! Vinegar and baking soda, microwaved wet cloth, microwaved wet cloth on top of vinegar... nothing is working. Any thoughts for that very last part? Thanks!!
I had to soak it for a long time with baking soda & vinegar. Then I scraped it with the scraper blade. A lot of it pitted but got it good enough to use the burner again.
I did this too with an orange glaze and it completely pitted my glass top. I tried Vin/soda, oven cleaner, and scrapping and absolutely nothing is coming up which is when I realized that the stove was clean but now has a redesigned look, not pretty!
When I got my glass top stove, I read the manual and it said to NEVER let any sugar liquid slash or boil will pit the glass. I have been going by that and being very careful.
Lisa Dye.........when last did someone told you You are a genius ! That razor blade worked great ! Thanks my glass top looks like if it was delivered this morning !
Hi Meg, hope this helps you.
Combine vinegar and water in a spray bottle and mist the affected area. Let it sit for 30 minutes, then scrub it with a sponge or scrub brush. If the burnt sugar is stubborn, you can make a paste from baking soda and vinegar. Apply it to the stains, let it sit for an hour, then scrub it away.
I love a product called The Pink Stuff. It works wonders on my glass top stove.
Hey there, Megquinn! You can try by using vinegar and baking soda.
To do this, mix equal parts of white vinegar and baking soda in a bowl to form a paste. Apply the paste to the burnt sugar and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Then, use a damp rag to wipe away the paste and the burnt sugar. This method is non-abrasive and safe for most stove tops. Hope this helps!
Turn the flat top on where the baked sugar is, pour water on it and start gently scraping with a butter knife. Works great. I tried every product I could think of on it but they didn't work at all.
Take a single edged razor blade at a 45 degree angle and scrape it, be careful to not dig into the surface.
Here's a post that might help
Hi Meqquinn, hope this helps you, you can use a razor scraper to remove heavy burnt on marks. Cerama Bryte and other cleaners like barkeepers friend will clean your glass top easily, but you must dry it with a clean microfiber cloth or paper towels to prevent streaks. You should do a good cleaning with this type of cleaner once a week.