How to clean gutters with leaf blower?

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Used to clean them by hand, now I get on the roof and use my leaf blower way faster.
A leaf blower is the fastest way to clean gutters. Get up on the roof and walk around the perimeter blowing the debris out!!
get up there and clean them by hand !!! I use a blower after I get most out !
Hi; I am a 76 year old lady who lives alone and it has gotten to be a chore to climb a ladder to
clean the gutters. So I have discovered a gas leaf blower with a long attachment with curved end to just start and aim the blower end in the gutter and just walk along and blow out all leaves and sludge. dream to use and works great. I still have to climb a ladder to remove branches and branch pieces. but not big issue anymore. Found mine online just ask for blower attachment to clean gutters. There are several out there and not expensive.
I go up on a ladder with a bucket and pull out all of the leaves. You have to keep moving the ladder to get all around the house. If you have a leaf blower that works too. I wear gloves, it gets messy.
I use two people for a safe guard, for holding the ladder. We use a blower to first blow off the roof and then blow out the gutters walking the gutter perminter, it’s easier to walk and blow them out then up and down the ladder a million times. Then flush them out with the hose with power nossell while walking the perminter of the gutter. 📌 The rule of thumb is 3 times a year, we have installed gutter guards and shields they don’t hold up and clogged and you Still have to get up there to free the leave off them, waste of money 💸 BEEN THERE THEN THAT
My hubby and son both use our leaf blower from up on the roof. With the weight of the blower, they won't let me do it. If I do it, I get on a ladder and use the scoop from my bird food bin to scoop it out. Another way is to get the high pressure attachment for the hose that expands in length, they work fairly well, too, and you can do it from standing on the ground.
If everything is dry, just use your leaf blower.
You can actually get an attachment to blow leaves out of your gutters that you attach to your blower. My husband loves his and so does our neighbors.
You would have to get the covers or if you have a blower buy the kit for extensions to blow the stuff out....