How to get dog urine smell out of artificial lawn?

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Guys, I own a company called I have been in the artificial grass business for over twenty years and about ten years ago I created a formula to remove odor from artificial grass. Our product is called BIOTURF and I can tell you from personal experience that it is the best product out there.
We use the product every day and it smells amazing and the product stands out due to its level of concentration of actual Enzymes and the quality of enzymes used in the formula.
Our BioS+ technology has the most strains of bacteria to address not only odor from urine but also feces degredation, saliva and vomit.
I hope this helps...
First I would make a potty area for the dog and train it to use that area by walking dog on leash to the new area, once dog has it embedded that this is their area they will use it. I would put down sand and gravel. Then use a pet enzyme cleaner to get rid of the pet urine odor, a black flashlight will help you find all the spots at sunset. I use the tablets as it mixes up fresh and is stronger than using the over the counter solutions which are mostly water. I use this for myself and all my client's pet accidents.....
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I''m in Canada. Some products are not available up here. Suggestions?
We have found a solution to relieve you of the bad odors and the bacteria that grows in the infill of your artificial grass/turf. We use our lab created organic base enzyme to breakdown the bacteria and relieve the odors. We use our patented applicator that will not harm the grass/turf or the infill. The applicator sanitizes the surface areas as well as deep down in the infill which is where the source of the bacteria growth and odor stem. We would be pleased to give You a consult and relieve your yard of those bad odors. Please call “Pet-Solutions” 480-567-4817 for any other questions you may have, or to schedule a free quote. We have helped many recover their yards and pleased to serve you.
I am in Toronto, Ontario,CANADA, What do u suggest and where can I get it? Are there any home remedies?
Hi Julie, so sorry to hear that. It's a common problem. Mix ¼ cup of baking soda with 1 cup water, 1/3 cup distilled white vinegar, and about 1/4 cup of mild dish soap. Put the solution in a spray bottle a mix thoroughly before spraying it on the stain. Rub it in lightly with a clean cloth and let it stand for about 20 minutes. Rinse the solution away with hose and let it dry thoroughly. Be sure to test the mixture first on a spot to make sure it won’t discolor or damage your artificial lawn.
You didn't indicate if the problem is from your dogs or from those of neighbors, but placing large pots of Rue near your lawn perimeter will deter most cats and dogs. Alternatively, spraying Deer Away or similar will smell overnight (to you), but will be gone by morning. The smell is effective for about 3 weeks in keeping many animals far off your property.
Hello Everyone - There is a product available at that works incredibly well. It's a concentrate so for $49 you get 20 gallons of usable product. It works on all outdoor surfaces, not just artificial turf.
Hello Julie,
The Pet Shop or eBay can help you with a Spray! Otherwise use a soapy water using a little Bio Wash powder and dowse the whole lot the 24 hrs later Jet Wash it. Hope that helps.
Do not listen to Uricide guy…IT DOES NOT WORK!!! I live in Houston TX…I’ve had turf for almost 6 years I’ve tried everything including trading out my turf and infill and I’m still battling the smell! It’s awful! Everything named here I’ve tried! The enzyme is good unless you live in a really hot place…once it gets to be a certain temp it kills the enzymes! I need to try the baking soda followed by vinegar rinse…can anyone follow up with that method! Please!!!
We used uricide and it works better than anything else that we tried, and we tried about a half a dozen products. The first time we tried it, it only knocked the odor back about 50%. We called their tech suport line and they told us how to do a " shock treatment", which has to be used on occassion for older turf installations. With older turf, the turf blades can get matted and the infill hardens over time, which can cause draining problems. The technician spent over 20 minutes on the phone with us and told us exactly what to do. After the initial heavier application, the odors are completely gone and we can enjoy our yard again. Uricide's customer service is second to none and we are completely satisfied.
Go down to the Pet Store and ask them! You can't be the first with that problem , or ask the people that supplied and made the lawn what they would recommend.
People will tell you vinegar, baking soda, those hose-end sprayers at the big box stores, etc. NONE of it will really work. It might temporarily mask the odor, but it will come back. If it's really bad you will need to find a local professional service that uses real truck mounted equipment to do the job, the same way you trust professional carpet cleaners to clean inside your home. Preferably, find someone with extensive turf knowledge that will know how to do the job without causing damage. If that service doesn't exist yet in your area, there are a few things you can do yourself that will be better than what's been suggested here. Here's a great list of tips from the company we use for our turf maintenance here in AZ:
Hope this helps! If you reply with questions I'm happy to help as much as I can. This is all info I've learned from talking to Steve, the owner of Dirty Turf. I swear I learn more and more every time he comes out for a service. I bet you could even just call the number on his site and he'll be happy to answer any questions.
We have always had good results using Nature's Miracle but you need to let it dry well before they walk on it.
Nature's MIracle
Michael…you are SPOT ON!!! Anyone replying about Uricide is a rep…I’m in Houston….I literally and figuratively fell for that load of crap…it’s expensive and doesn’t work! Unfortunately…there’s not a deep cleaning company here…which I don’t understand they could make a fortune, if they would do it right. Thank you for confirming I’m not crazy in believing it should be and could be better…I’ll keep on the look out for a good cleaning company and try the tips in the meantime! Thank you…tell Steve to contact me if he wants to expand!
Nature's Miracle.
I own a small dog daycare and boarding facility and have about 15 dogs a day . We have artificial turf in the main dog area. I use a product called KennelSol. It is a disinfectant and ordor removing COMMERCIAL product use by Veterinarians etc. Dilute. See instructions..spray and let dry or rinse after 10 minutes. It will kill all odors but do not get on landscaping.Safe for turf..walkways..concrete etc.
Have you tired Nature's MIracle?
Feed em chloraphyl
Here's a post that might help
It’s effective at neutralizing odors. Just mix equal parts of both, spray it on the area, let it sit for 15-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. You might need to do it a few times, especially if the smell is strong.
Water Water Water with weak floral disinfectant.
Try using an enzyme cleaner specifically for pet odors.
Hi Julie: My go to for urine, human or animal, is a product called Odormute. It's an enzyme eater. You don't want to cover the smell, you want to eliminate it. Odormute is environmentally safe and you can wash anything in it, even your pet:) You can get it at most pet stores, sometimes at Walmart and on line. It really works, I recommend it highly! Odormute™