Door knob falls off all the time - how do I fix it?

Hey everyone, this door handle keeps coming off on one side. We always put it back, but sooner or later it breaks off again. Any long-term suggestions?
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Hi Amy, this link may be of help to you.
Hi Amy is replacing the door knob an option? I'm thinking the threads in the holes for the screws must have wore out over the years. A slightly larger screw might be the ticket but I would suggest replacement as the best option.
The holes may be worn and now too big. An old trick is to fill the holes with toothpicks or matchsticks(remove the heads) and try the screw again.
Replace it. They are cheap enough.
Fill the screw holes with pieces of wood, dowels, or golf tees. Predrill new holes smaller than the screws (usually 1/8" drill bit). Then screw the handle back on.
You need to buy a new lockset and handle for this.
We have very old knobs in our house, it's from the 1920's. I was reluctant to swap out anything, but eventually we had to replace the knob. The parts were no longer available and there wasn't really a way to make it work long term. Perhaps you might try a new knob?
Oh that's so frustrating. Is there a set screw that holds the knob to the post? I wonder if it's stripped not allowing you to tighten the knob on properly. Or try different screws all together for the whole set up. If you can find an architectural salvage place, they might have a collection of old hardware, or see if a hardware store has screws that will work.
Great advice, everyone! Will try a couple of hacks and if they don't work, then a new knob it is!
Hi Amy, sounds like you lost a bolt or two. Hope this help[s you out, it will guide you in tightening your door knob up.
A straightforward misalignment problem is a frequent problem that can make the door knob loosen over time and increase the wear and tear on the screws. If the door knob assembly was put at a small angle, the door and the door knob would wear unevenly.