Asked on Sep 05, 2014

How to decorate a guest bedroom with PINK carpet

by Rebecca
We just bought a house.. great bones.. awesome spaces.. but carpeting is not my taste.. We have a bedroom with pink ( almost a rose) color carpeting.. I would like that to be my guest bedroom.. but dont' want just pink hues.. any suggestion??? The walls are beige/white and trim on doors and moldings are white.. We can't afford to replace this quite yet !!
  48 answers
  • Z Z on Sep 06, 2014
    Rebecca, if the house is older, you might want to check and see if there are hardwood floors underneath the carpet. If you didn't have the rose colored carpet, what color/colors would you like to use?
  • R.V.R. Farris R.V.R. Farris on Sep 06, 2014
    Navy and grey can look really good with pinks.
  • Lee Cunningham Green Lee Cunningham Green on Sep 06, 2014
    There are many options with pink but perhaps a large area rug to dominate the color of the room might suffice, then the pink seems only a small accent and not the dominant, Most shades of green, brown, tan, cream, go well with pink but with an area rug you can take the focus off the pink floor and then match the room to your taste .
  • Chris aka monkey Chris aka monkey on Sep 06, 2014
    @Rebecca i am with rvr navy tones pink a lot and with white trim i think it would look awesome xx
  • Shastababy Shastababy on Sep 06, 2014
    Another good combo is gray and pink. I agree with @Lee Cunningham Green about the area rug, it would take away from the pinkness.
  • I think tones of grey in the bedding, pictures, and accessories. Grey is a great color to tone down any color plus it is very neutral. I see the bed is against the wall I would try to center it on a wall and that way you can bring in 2 night stands in black or dark grey and if budget is tight you could possibly find a smaller 5x7 rug to put at the end of the bed a bit tucked under the end in a medium grey with some other colors to take away from the rose carpet. I would do a light curtain in different shades of grey, beige and white or cream to give some dimension. that way the eye flows around the room instead of down at the floor. just some ideas-
  • Opal Opal on Sep 07, 2014
    I agree with the others, get the biggest area rug you can afford with lots of neutrals and an accent color you like and decorate around that or use a combo of runners and an area rug. Certainly center the bed so that you don't have as much "rose" in any one location which will distract the eye from it. I would "consider" using some pink elsewhere in a small amount to make the look flow a little better, but only after everything else is done.
  • Sharolyn T Sharolyn T on Sep 07, 2014
    When I saw your first thot was...if you can paint cloth furniture...can you paint carpet??? I don't know either, but just thot I'd share. :)
  • Lesley Lesley on Sep 07, 2014
    Embrace the pink! There are so many beautiful comforters with gray/white or just a nice solid gray. I'd even go as far as finding gray/pink/white fabric and cover throw pillows I'm sure you have laying around (who doesn't?) and making a valance to match, and covering the seat of a chair?
  • Tonya Tonya on Sep 07, 2014
    I adore pink. Find a large rug with with colors to compliment, like,gray, navy, black etc. Use the rug as a complimentary item. W
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    • Polly Zieper Polly Zieper on Oct 07, 2014
      Accessorize with an area rug, curtains, wall hanging, etc, so the pink carpet isn't the focus of the room.
  • Kris Kowalski Kris Kowalski on Sep 07, 2014
    I feel your pain! My bedroom (mine, not a guest one!) is awful rose as well. They made the main bathroom the same. I could scream every time I walk in there, but we don't have the budget either. My thought is actually to rip out the carpet and paint the plywood underneath. Seal it with poly and then put on an area rug. I just have to talk my husband into it.
  • Kris Grosse Kris Grosse on Sep 07, 2014
    definitely do a white spread with a cluster of pink flowers at the bottom, add green, pink and white pillows, green lamp shades to match and nice floral arrangement of green and pinks, paint a rustic framed mirror white, add a little bling with new light fixture
  • AvonelleRed AvonelleRed on Sep 07, 2014
    Two words: carpet dye.
  • HoneyHomemaker HoneyHomemaker on Sep 13, 2014
    I see that my very first thought agrees with Lesley and others here. I really think you should, as she said, "embrace the pink!" I would suggest gray walls, white trim, white sheets, a different shade of gray bedding (if you go a light gray on the walls, go a bit darker on the comforter or bedspread), pink and white/gray throw pillows, white furniture, and possibly pale pink drapes. Gray and pink is chic right now. Please upload the after pictures. I'm sure it will be lovely whatever you decide. Look up gray and pink bedrooms in online images to get some idea of what it could look like when you are finished.
  • Clou77 Clou77 on Sep 16, 2014
    I think all shades of gray look fantastic with pink. If you would be willing to paint, how about a medium shade gray on the walks and a charcoal gray on the woodwork? Then to keep the cost down, if you could find a solid gray quilt, any shade of gray, and go crazy with pillows in different textures and prints in shades of pink, white black and gray. You could also pull a shade of green in with the pillows, too. If this doesn't sound appealing to you, you could always buy an area rug. You might want to go into a paint store and get several paper swatches of the color of the rug, and hold it up to different colors, some you may never have thought to compliment pink. And just one more idea, find a large picture that has at least 10-20% pink incorporated in it, whether it be of flowers, a modern design, anything that fits your style. Then take 1 or 2 of the more prominent colors in the painting to use as your wall color, and the pink in small items such as a few solid pink pillows thrown in with your bedding, maybe a pink lamp or vase, just a few things to pull it together so it all flows but the pink isn't the first thing you see.
  • Clou77 Clou77 on Sep 16, 2014
    Could you let us know what style you like? Are you looking for the room to be modern, vintage, colonial, traditional, etc?
  • Clou77 Clou77 on Sep 16, 2014
    Thrust an afterthought but chocolate browns always look nice with pink/rose. I know gray is the "in" color (I just painted a room in my house a gray shade) but a nice chocolate brown and crisp white woodwork...just a thought :)
  • Clou77 Clou77 on Sep 16, 2014
    Here are a few throw pillows that maybe you could get color combo ideas from
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    • Clou77 Clou77 on Oct 08, 2014
      @Polly Zieper Hi Polly- The pillows are from several different online sites. All of the pillows I posted I found on Are you familiar with the site? If not, if you are interested buying any of the pillows, I would be happy to look at my account and look up where they are sold. There are just to many for me to go back and write in the different stores. Wow, that sounded lazy! lol I have to warn you. I picked these pillows to show Rebecca dif shades of grays/pinks, basically a variety of the colors most of us had suggested, as well as how different prints and textures of the pillows can draw your eyes up when entering the room. I love to mix in a textured fabric on a pillow. I think it can really compliment bedding. Sorry, rambling, what I want to mention to you is that I think the prices of the pillows I posted are extremely expensive. Decorative pillows in general out expensive! Just a suggestion; purchasing your own fabric, and a pillow pattern (about $10) or use Pinterest or google for free templates, if your comfortable on a sewing machine.
  • BBB BBB on Sep 16, 2014
    Lowe's sells remnant rugs for under $25. I would buy a grey colored one if I could find it and put that over the main pink carpet.
  • Accentuations! Accentuations! on Dec 19, 2014
    What is under that carpet? If there is a chance that it is hardwood? No such luck? Maybe you would consider a painted floor. Many a faux hardwood can be beautiful! Other than that? A large area rug in acceptable colors to you...or you work around the pink.
  • Sharon Sharon on Dec 23, 2014
    Hello, if you're still looking for ideas, you can use RIT dye to change the color. I've done a white carpet in burgundy. And a gold print darkened with green. It totally changed that 70's look! If it's in good condition, there's no hardwood underneath, it's a cheap option to try. Just sponge it on.
  • TrishaBee TrishaBee on Jan 03, 2015
    We have almost the same color pink only mine is in my huge livingroom and is about a shade or so darker. Suffice to say I have embraced the pink and have had to redecorate my livingroom. My problem is wall color since my furniture is chocolate brown. I was going to rip it all up and put down laminate but this carpet is very high quality and VERY plush. It's like walking on clouds!
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jan 04, 2015
    First, I'd pull up a corner of a closet just to satisfy myself that there is/is not hardwood under. Secondly, I'd look into dye and try it out in the closet. Third, I wouldn't even try to "work with" this hideous colour. I'd rip it out and see if I could sell it. Then I'd spend the bucks and get some hardwood laid. Easy to clean. Looks great with any colour/ furniture/deco style, etc. It would be money well spent in also adding to your home's value.
  • Marianne Marianne on Jan 04, 2015
    Keep the pink carpet and go with a Neopolitan ice cream (chocolate, vanilla and strawberry) configuration. Using Vanilla on the walls, chocolate drapes and bedspread/quilt print and strawberry (your carpet color) accents.
  • Lindcurt Lindcurt on Jan 08, 2015
    I'd try to draw the eye away from the pink carpet by adding a little Hollywood Glam to the décor. A satin silver/gray bedcover. A big gold sunburst mirror. Glossy white or mirrored bedside tables. Maybe a plush fuzzy white area rug. It might take a little time at the thrift store. But oh what fun.
  • Judithemathia Judithemathia on Jan 09, 2015
    I would go with a mauve
  • Fran McCarty Fran McCarty on Jan 16, 2015
    Burgundy, white and the pink carpet would give it a nice cohesive look. I would do burgundy curtains and maybe a bedspread in a stripe or floral pattern with burgundy, white, pink and a tan. A burgundy rug with hints of pink and tan.
  • PattyV PattyV on Jan 17, 2015
    I think Navy and a Creme color would be fresh. Maybe a sisal rug over most of the pink carpet with creme on the walls and Navy curtains with a pink print shade with navy, creme and pink. Throw some cushions on the bed in coordinating color...The pink flowered pillow Sandy shows above would look lovely.
  • Kelly Palfrey Olsen Kelly Palfrey Olsen on Jan 18, 2015
    Dark grey walls with white trim. Black or dark grey curtains. White or grey bedding. Some pink accents such as throw pillows, picture frames, wall lettering, etc.
  • Glamistahome Glamistahome on Jan 20, 2015
    This would be a perfect space to try Palm Beach inspired styling. Add some Chippendale chairs, beautiful pillows from the Blush Label would complete the look. Work with what you already have and incorporate some pieces that complement the existing elements of the room.
  • Susan Bott Susan Bott on Jan 25, 2015
    Greens would look great with it also!
  • Graciana Graciana on Feb 08, 2015
    Do not attempt to dye this carpet with RIT (or anything else). It's quite likely that this carpet is manmade fiber and it will only absorb a mere fraction of the dye...guess where the remaining dye will go... It will sink in to the carpet pad (and possibly the floor underneath) and it will also be tracked around to other adjoining areas of the house by shoes and feet. This is a mess you should avoid. I don't really see a way to draw the attention away from the color, so why not embrace it? Leave the walls and trim white and go with a white, pink and black "Paris, France" theme. You can use mostly black and white decor with small accent pieces in pink to tie the carpet in with the rest of the room (a pink lamp shade, a pink accent pillow on the bed, a pink purse or scarf artfully displayed). You can also look into a wall decal depicting the Eiffel Tower. They're not expensive and create a "mural" effect that would be the focal point of the room rather than the floor. This theme is very popular for bedrooms and nurseries, so once you're ready to redecorate you can re-sell your Paris decor (and maybe even the used carpet if it's still in good condition) and put that money back into your new color scheme.
  • Julie Julie on Feb 17, 2015
    I would paint the walls a light gray color and leave the trim white. I would find gray/white bedding and find pillows in a print fabric that had some pink in it. Since this is a guest room and not a girl's room, I would use only a few pops of pink in the room and stick with gray and white as the main colors.
  • Chris Chris on Feb 18, 2015
    Do you know what is under the carpet? If there is hardwood flooring, I would just take the carpet out completely. I had this same carpet in a house we owned and took it out leaving the floors bare. Put down a small throw rug. It was beautiful. Check first what's under there before you do anything.
  • Arlie Murphy Arlie Murphy on Mar 02, 2016
    Greys would be pretty
  • Giselle Giselle on Jul 02, 2016
    I would do grey or a cafe au lait colour on the walls and leave the doors and trim white.
  • Paulette Paulette on Jul 03, 2016
    I would paint an accent wall black or a medium green. Use a large area rug with the color you choose and coordinate bedding
  • Sls32892805 Sls32892805 on Mar 14, 2018

    Love it pink

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Apr 11, 2023

    Maybe a Patchwork Quilt would help or another Quilt that has many colours , so you can use that as a foil to the carpet!

  • Mogie Mogie on Apr 13, 2023

    A large area rug to hide as much of the pink as possible.

  • Libbie B Libbie B on Jan 27, 2024

    Layered rugs are trendy, and you can get the same feel with a rug over the carpet.

  • I would get a large area rug and cover up the majority of this carpet if you don't like pink. Then you could decorate the room in any color you like.

  • Sandy Sandy on Apr 25, 2024

    Have seen several people's ideas about using stencils or simple geometric shapes to paint the carpet on this site. Really distracts from the solid pink.

  • Janice Janice on Apr 25, 2024

    I would ignore the pink carpet and keep the room very light with white drapes, bedding, etc. Perhaps in a very sophisticated stripe ticking in white and grey. Nothing frilly, flowery in pattern and no ruffles or feminine. Lamps could be either silver or gold or even clear glass with white shades. Very simply furnished to feel as a high-end hotel. As others have said, maybe check to see if there's hardwood beneath the carpet and if so, pull the carpet up.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Nov 15, 2024


  • Betsy Betsy on Nov 15, 2024

    Hi Rebecca: Well, you can put some accent rugs next to the bed and maybe in front of the dresser.

  • Betsy Betsy on Nov 15, 2024

    Hi Rebecca: Well, you can put some accent rugs next to the bed and maybe in front of the dresser.

  • Dee Dee on Nov 17, 2024

    I would layer with different shades of pink. In the curtains, throw pillows bedspread or quilt. You can paint the walls a very light pink or cream.