How can I block off a doorway to keep cats out of room?

I need help trying to find options to block a double doorway to keep cats out of room but still be able for air/heat to circulate between rooms
Keep room separate with style!
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You could try a screen door but if your cats are climbers with claws and are very determined to get into the room you don't want them in I wonder how long that screen door would last! You could try and find a magnetic screen door to fit to see if that would keep the cats out. A cheaper alternative than a wooden screen door.
Hello B,
Tape a net curtain across the entrance or make a frame and fix curtain to it and place that in space between doors........Best wishes.
Hi B,
Here's an idea from someone else who has the same issue. You may need to make a few adjustments to make it work for you, but this is a basic idea. If your cat is a climber, it might just be able to climb up this setup. If that's true, you might be able to attach sheets of plexiglass to the "cat" side so your cat won't be able to get a grip. Wishing you the best.
Get a screen door that will fit the opening and replace the plastic screening with chicken run wire. The cats can't scratch and ruin it and the air circulation is better. My doorways were wide arches so I built a 2 x 4 frame to attach the screen door to and then filled the gaps on the sides with 1/2 round tacked to the frame to keep the cats out.
Baby gates
Since cats are climbers and high jumpers I would make a panel out of 1X2 wood firing strips and 1/4" plywood about 4' to 5' high. Make it wide enough to wedge it into the doorway. You could also make it like double doors and hinge them so they can be opened for access. A hook to close them so the cats can't get in. Paint or stain to match the woodwork.
My daughter uses a baby gate. You can easily slide it out of the way or step over it. The one she has is made from lattice.
You could purchase lattice, I'm pretty sure it comes in 4'x8' panels, and frame it to cover the opening. You can get it in wood or plastic.
Could you install a screen door indoors like you would on the front door of your house?
Hi B, this is Peggy. When we get a new cat we put it in a room with a screen door, so the other cats can know it is there, and they can't get to each other. After a while we remove the screen and let the cats together, they already know the smells and they get along. I would suggest a screen door that fits your door frame. Good luck.
Sorry for chiming in to this thread so late, but I just had to share this in case it helps someone out. I wish I had gotten this advice years ago as a cat owner.
My best advice?
Give the book " Ultimate Cat Secrets" a read.
It really is the only long-term solution to discipline your cat, OP.
This might come as a surprise to you, but your cat actually wants to obey you.
It’s kitty’s independent, sassy nature that makes you fall in love with him, but it’s this very attitude that makes it frustrating to train fun behaviours into your favourite feline.
Cats respond best to positive reinforcement – yelling, punishing or disciplining your cat just won’t work.
In my opinion, Ultimate Cat Secrets is a must-have for all cat lovers. It's not just a cat training manual – it’s one of the quickest and most comprehensive guides to living with a cat that I’ve ever seen.
The easy access audio format makes it a breeze to digest from your computer or your mobile device and the lessons inside are easy to implement. And if that’s not enough for you, ordering now will score you FIVE great bonuses:
1) How to toilet train your cat and get rid of that stinky litter box forever.
2) Extra tips audio program which includes basic first aid and tips on my favourite kitty calming remedy.
3) Pet medical recorder – an absolute essential for parents of asthma cats or any kitty with a chronic medical condition.
4) Downloadable transcripts of the entire program and all the bonus materials.
5) 100 recipes to pamper your feline friend.
I HIGHLY recommend it.
Here's a link to their site
Hi B. hope this helps you out. Cats don’t like to scratch sticky substances, so you can put double-sided tape on the bottom of the door.
You can also use aluminum foil because cats don’t like the feeling or the sound that aluminum foil makes. If you are worried about the look of the tape or aluminum foil, keep in mind that this should only be a temporary thing.
Once your cat gets used to the fact that they can’t enter that room, you should be able to remove the tape or the foil.
You could also try this room divider
Put up a screenless screen door, attach chicken wire to it so you have airflow .
Make a wooden frame and then staple a screen material in that. Put small hooks on the frame of the doorway and simply attach or take down when you walk thru.
We had a similar problem when we would go away because a few of my cats would fight so we put up foldable doors to be safe when we left to separate them. Kept them up but now we don’t need them because cats can tolerate each other now. But it’s nice to have the option if for whatever reason we wanted to close the room off. My husband put in openings that have a medal screening to air flows thru. Openings are in each panel of the doors