How can I drain the gas out of my snow blower?

Bill Nastali
by Bill Nastali

It's finally Spring! But now I need to store the new snow blower...

  7 answers
  • Lab31024495 Lab31024495 on May 05, 2018

    We took an old turkey baster and used that to suck out the gas. Hope this helps.

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on May 05, 2018

    Here is a video that might help -

  • Joy Joy on May 05, 2018

    I'm certainly no handywoman, Bill - but have you tried a turkey baster? It may be too short to reach to the bottom of your gas tank. Sorry - that's all I have :-)

  • Lamar Havard Lamar Havard on May 08, 2018

    Cut the side out of a gallon plastic milk jug (gasoline won't melt it), take the cap off of the snow blower tank, tilt the blower over the jug and drain as much out as you can, then replace the gas cap, start the blower and run it until it quits. That will get all the gas out of the carb also so it will dry and be ready for new gas next Winter.

  • Dee Dee on Jul 13, 2024

    Just a thought: Using fuel stabilizer eliminates the need to drain fuel prior to storage by keeping fuel fresh for up to 24 months, and ensures quick easy starts next season by preventing gum and vanish build-up within your engine's fuel system.

  • Bob Bob on Oct 15, 2024

    Turn it on and let it run dry if you aren't going to use fuel stableizer

  • Betsy Betsy on Oct 17, 2024

    Hi Bill: If you can't siphon it out then let it run until it's empty. And, it's coming on winter here :)