Asked on Jun 08, 2017

How can I make flowers/petals suspended in water?

My son in getting married and his fiancee has large glass cylinders for the center pieces. We have the floating candles, but she wants flowers or petals suspended throughout. We have tried the "fake" water from hobby stores, but it's quite pricey to fill as many as we need. HELP!
  13 answers
  • Stephanie Forbes Stephanie Forbes on Jun 08, 2017

    I saw something like this on Pinterest. I belive they stuck the flower stems through small pieces of bubble wrap to keep them afloat and from being waterlogged.

  • Bobbie Bobbie on Jun 08, 2017 has some fabulous ideas for floating flowers for weddings.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 08, 2017

    When is the wedding? Wha is your location so maybe research can be done for real lowers

    • Jennifer Hillard Jennifer Hillard on Jun 09, 2017

      End of October (Halloween theme). We have tried real, silk & rubber so far. The silk has been our best bet, but tends to bleed, then rise after a couple of hours.

  • Rodger Tucker Rodger Tucker on Jun 08, 2017

    Read up on "Surface Tension" of water. And , how by adding salt will make the water more dense. Expeiment away !

  • William William on Jun 08, 2017

    Lost of more videos. Click on the link.

  • Bobbie Bobbie on Jun 09, 2017

    Maybe you could ask a florist for advice

  • Bobbie Bobbie on Jun 10, 2017

    Perhaps you could talk to your florist and ask them for idea and suggestions

  • Wally seeley Wally seeley on Jun 10, 2017

    Having been a Florist I doubt that they would be willing to share their expertise or you could offer to pay for a consultation. However I will enlighten you on a few aspects of this design. petals will not suspend in water the will always float to the top . There are several ways to secure flower heads under water. you can measure the distance of say 3 to 4 rose heads and attach through the calyx with fishing line and weight the bottom together to keep them suspended at different levels inside the vase. You can also get willow branches and attach the flowers to the branches and fill the vases with water. you will need to tape the top on the vases to keep the whole mess from floating to the top you can then place some flowers on top of the tape grid to make it look good it's also a good Idea to use several inches of glass pebbles to help secure the stems

  • Liz Liz on Jun 10, 2017

    You mention that the silk flower colors bleed. You can spray both sides of silk flowers with a poly spray. Let dry well before putting into water. I do this to all my silk flowers and silk foliage before putting in arrangements. (Makes them much easier to clean with a feather duster.) But, the best part is that the spray of poly keeps the colors from bleeding when I occasionally dip the flowers in sudsy water and rinse. Also, polyurethane spray keeps sun from bleaching out the color in silk flowers/foliage. I also use poly spray on all my grapevine/floral wreaths to preserve them for years of use, even outdoors.

  • Mogie Mogie on Oct 19, 2023

    Fill your vessel to the brim with clean water. Cut the flowers very close to the knape of the bloom, leaving only a centimeter or less of stem. Then place them in the water to make sure they float and water doesn't just fill the petal cup and sink the bloom.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Dec 02, 2023

    This might work for you:

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Dec 03, 2023

    Maybe suspend in an Aspic used for food or maybe glycerine?

  • Deb K Deb K on Oct 05, 2024

    Hi Jennifer, hope this helps you. Pick up some clear water beads (they expand) inflate them by soaking then do layers, this video will show you how