How can I make moving items (med. size boxes) up & down stairs easier?

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I'm a 77 yr old female with on-going back problems , despite having 3 surgeries, and COPD. My bigest concern is Christmas season when I have to bring decorations upstairs & then down again. Is there anything like a slide contraption for stairs that could be used as needed?
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They advertise on TV a dolly like contraption that has wheels that will go up and down stairs easily. UpCart
ask for help from a child, friend or neighbor. You never know who will be gracious enough to help.
I wonder if you can make something to solve this problem. How about a heavy-duty plastic storage bin but use the lid to reinforce an area on the handle or narrow end. I'd use my electric drill to make two large holes in the end. Then mark the reinforcement plastic and drill large holes that match. Now glue that piece onto the inside of the plastic bin so the holes line up. This reinforcement might not even be needed. Get a length of rope that is twice the length of your stairs, plus an extra 10 ft or more. Run the rope through the drilled holes and tie the ends together. To use, put the bin at the bottom of your stairs and load it up. Go to the top of your stairs and pull the bin up. It will slide on the leading edge of the steps and if there is any resistance you could glue carpet to the bottom Of the bin. Sounds like a lot of work but you'd be able to use it over and over, also letting it slide down the steps to put items back.
I have an upcart but, frankly, it’s Not that great. It’s kind of heavy on its own. I would recommend offloading and taking few items at a time.
Slide them down steps. Hand on to rail with one hand and get in front of box or boxes and with other hand on box and slide it down as you step down. Hope this helps. I do this with big tote.
Here is a link to see all the different climbing carts and you can click on them to see the price on amazon.
Slide them down. Get in front of box and one hand on rail and other on box and slide it down one step at a time. Hope this helps.
Have someone get you a piece of plywood that spans at least two of the stairs. They can drill holes in the wood in the front and back to attach a rope. Attach a rope to haul the stuff up and one to hold the things on the sled.
You are so very welcome.
Taking items up the stairs: get smaller containers for your items. Then load about 3 steps up with the containers and move everything up a stair or two at a time as you work your way up. Might have to make a couple trips but it's doesn't require numerous trips trying to carry heavy containers.
I do this when taking groceries up to second floor apartment.
Taking items down stairs, repeat procedure or slide containers down to a helper at bottom or half way point.
not a direct answer to your question, but for getting trash down the stairs from my condo, I throw everything in to a huge heavy duty garbage bag, tie it tightly and simply nudge it off the top step w my toe. It tumbles gently down the stairs to the bottom. I then load it onto wheeler cart and push it to nearest outdoor garbage bin.
I completely understand how challenging it can be to handle moving items up and down stairs, especially with ongoing back problems and COPD. It's crucial to prioritize your safety and well-being.
You can always ask for assistance from friends, family, or neighbors during the Christmas season. Many people are willing to lend a hand, especially when it comes to spreading holiday cheer. You might even consider reaching out to local community organizations or volunteer groups for support.
Alternatively, if you prefer not to rely on others, you could explore local moving services in London. They often offer customizable solutions, including packing and unpacking services. Having professionals handle the heavy lifting can significantly ease the burden on your back and make the holiday season more enjoyable.
Hi Barb: We are very close in age, and what I do, going down, is put something like a rope around the box, move it to the edge of the steps and get in front of it and, hanging onto the railing with one hand and the rope with the other, I back down the steps and let the box down one step at a time, using my legs to control the box. When coming up the steps, I pull the box up, one step at a time. But, if you can, ask your neighbours or their kids if they will help you. Kids love to help, especially if there are cookies involved :)
Dollies will save your energy when moving boxes up the stairs. You can pack 3 or more of them on a dolly and lift them at once in little time. Lay the boxes on the truck and fasten them with a strap. Stand on the top stairs facing downwards and pull up the dolly as you step back one step at a time. The benefit of using dollies is that they are narrow and can fit in most hallways and pass through most doors. You can rent a dolly from your local rental truck places.
Carton Slides
This is a practical concept that only requires you to turn your right boxes into slides for the stairs. Find thick and sturdy cardboard pieces and lay them along the stairs. Let someone at the bottom push the boxes up as another person at a point somewhere in the middle of the staircase slides them upwards to the top. The person at the top of the stairs will be arranging each box to the side as they arrive.
Back Straps
You can use a back strap to carry two or even three boxes on your back effortlessly. The harness passes around your shoulders to cross at the back. The buckle should fall at the front of your chest. Lean forward slightly and let a friend place a box on your back resting on the strap. The strap should be at the center of the weight, and you can add two or more boxes depending on how energetic you feel. The boxes should however not be stacked higher than your head. Slowly climb the stairs, slightly leaning forwards.
For smaller boxes, you can move many of them at once in a backpack. Ensure to pack the boxes so that they sit flat in the bag then lift the kit to your shoulders as well. Remember to bend at the knees to avoid straining your back when moving upstairs with the backpack. It also works much better if the bag has a waist belt -you will be better able to distribute the weight on your body evenly as required.
Have you looked into a stair climbing cart or dolly? They have wheels designed to easily go up and down stairs, making it a lot easier to move boxes without straining your back.
Hi Barb: I have the same problem. Going down is easier than going up, as you can just slide the boxes down one or two steps at a time. As for going up, get a strap and put it around the box. Get behind the boxes and lift them up one or two steps at a time. Then again, maybe one of the neighbour kids could help you out :)
Hi Barb! To safely get a heavy object up or down stairs, use a hand truck, moving straps or a blanket, depending on the size and weight of the item.
I totally get where you're coming from—it can be really challenging dealing with back issues and COPD, especially during the busy holiday season. When I had to haul decorations up and down stairs, I found a lightweight cart super helpful. There are also slide boards or even stair climber dollies that make moving things a lot easier without putting too much strain on your back. Just make sure to pick something sturdy enough for your decorations! It might save you a lot of hassle and help keep things festive without the extra pain.
Place a length of timber on side of stairs and put itons on and they will slide down. Getting them up is another thing altogether. (Pulley system) maybe?
I think there may be other ways, but I suggest you visit or call a supplier of Aids for the Infirmed.
Hi Barb: Perhaps a twin fitted sheet would work for this :) Put your items in the sheet, secure it with some large binder clips and drag it up and/or down the steps as needed, just be careful. When going down, be on the top side and let the items slide down the steps so that you don't get run over.
I am an independent person also, but what I did was clean out a downstairs closet. Asked a neighbor kid to help me get the Christmas deocrations downstairs and put them all in the cleaned out closet.
A Stair Lift is what is required.
I would be worried about tripping on any kind of contraption you could make on your own. Perhaps you can ask for a volunteer to help you. There are always kids looking for community service hours from schools or religious groups. Maybe reach out there.
Hi Barb! You can use a hand truck, 4-wheel dolly or appliance dolly. If you're moving heavy furniture upstairs or down, a hand truck will be your best bet. No matter which you use, you want to make sure the item is balanced on the dolly and strapped in using any lifting straps or tie down straps.
A hand truck with a stair climbing feature might be helpful. They're not super cheap, but could save you a lot of pain. Alternatively, consider making smaller trips