How can I paint one open wall that connects 2 rooms?

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I have an open concept and I painted the wall the same color everywhere in my kitchen, dining and living room. I am not sure I would try to break it up with different colors.
I would wall paper one of the walls. Simple design and then incorporate a color on the other wall from the wall paper.
I would accent a different wall instead of breaking up the long wall
Hi Laurie. I would paint the longer wall one color and then you could do different colors on the other walls. I did that with my living room and kitchen.
It is always advised to put a color swatch on your walls of two or three of your favorite shades of paint in each room and check them at all times of the day and night (as the sun moves) as the same shade will look different depending on the light. It's very true. Just looking at your photo the light coming from the dining room almost creates the fade-to look you are talking about. My instinct is to use the same shade on the long wall and then pick a wall to do a different shade as an accent wall.
I like that idea
I had the same issue. I decided not to paint the wall (too much work and could not decide on a colour) I kind of divided the room with a drawer I had painted in a bright colour.
you could paint a stencil pattern at the edge of where the tile edge stops. This wlll divide the wall from one room to the other. Hope this helps