The side closest to the bottom right corner of the photograph is sloped in the question is how would we edge in the Pea Rock to keep it from being washed away down the hill.
How do I build a walkway to my pool?

When we bought this house in April they had just stepping stones in the grass to the pool, but we would like to put down pea rock and Stepping Stones to make it cleaner looking, but we have our septic tank cover and the ground is sloped on one corner and we're looking for suggestions or help on how to clean it up and just make it look nicer.
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Robbie here are a couple of ideas.
I really like this
We Built Steps on a Slope
On this Robbie, due to the fact you need to access the septic tank cover, sometimes, [to prevent overflow, tossing in septic degrading additives and such], you cannot just put a permanent walk in cement there. But as that septic tank cover is ugly and an eyesore to look unpleasantly at, you of course want that buried.
I thus recommend: a Curved walkway between the pool and the patio or deck.
This is done by placing two curbs, 36" apart [by an inside measure], to toss some multicolored pea stone gravel in between the two curbs to hide the septic tank cover, but: yet make sure you are within city ordinances, and do not obstruct ability to get to that septic tank cover.