How do I cover wire shelves so everything doesn’t fall over?

My apartment has wire shelves in the refrigerator as well as in the pantry closet. Everything I place on the shelves ends up toppling over and falling through. What can I use that is DIY, a.k.a. free if possible or very inexpensive, that can remedy this? At the moment, I am using large low-sided cardboard boxes from the grocery store, the kind of holds flats of berries in. But it is not ideal.
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We used some thin wood cut about 1/8 inch smaller than the shelf itself. Just painted the wood to match the wire shelving (it was white so not to hard to match) so the wood doesn't look bad. If you want to get creative and recycle you can use the backs of cd covers.
Hello, I had the same problem with builders grade closet shelving and I used dollar store foamcore sheets custom cut to pad the shelving and protect my clothing and accessories from lined impressions.
Pick up cutting boards in assorted sizes from thrift shops, garage sales, estate sales, etc.
1/4" plywood would be the cheapest solution, and once painted in semi-gloss, would blend in really well.
Vinyl placemats.
Plexiglass....cut to size at Lowe’s!
Lowe has a liner in a roll in the area with is plastic and same color as wire shelving.
And if you want FREE....get some heavy cardboard for the closet shelves. In the fridge I would go with something plastic because of the moisture.
I also used plexiglass in the fridge.
Ikea sells plastic shelf liner. It's pretty inexpensive. about 20 inches by 48. It's on the clear side with small ridges, heavy enough for the fridge. I have it in an extra fridge in the basement that also has wire shelfs, and that's what I used. If you're not near an Ikea you can find similar lining at Lowes or any home renovation store.
Dollar Tree sells 2 packs of disposable cutting mats. They are a plastic and about as thick as a piece of posterboard. They work well on wire shelves, can be cut to fit with regular scissors, and can be put in the dishwasher if they get dirty or messy. That's about the cheapest food-safe solution I can offer.
Lay heavy card on top of shelves or use open end baskets. Maybe change the shelf for timber?
For the shelves outside of the refrig, I use pictures that are framed, measure and buy them at 2nd hand stores, yard sales...
Inside the refrig, I would suggest dollar store disposable cutting mats.
What worked for me was using leftover cardboard from old boxes. I cut them to the size of the shelves and just laid them flat on top. If you want something more stable, grab some foam board or even plastic placemats from the dollar store. Both are cheap and do the job well.
Hi Pamela: You can go to the home improvement store and buy some sheets of clear plastic or plexiglass to put on the shelves. That should solve your problem :)
Hi Pamela! You can watch this video for more information. Hope this helps!
I had a similar issue with wire shelves in my fridge, and it was super annoying. One thing that helped was using some non-slip shelf liners I had lying around, which added grip and kept everything from sliding around. If you don’t have those, old dish towels work great too—they can help cushion items and prevent them from toppling over. I also started using old containers, like yogurt or takeout boxes, to keep smaller stuff organized.
Place a sheet of plastic or thin board or Cardboard on top of each shelf. Cover with Contact if desired.
Hi Pamela: Perhaps you can get some Plexiglas pieces from the home improvement store near you. They usually cut to size. But, you will want to leave a gap on all 4 sides so that the air can circulate.
Any fairly hard surface products will be helpful. I've used place mats in my refrigerator for year to keep items from falling through the wire shelving. Cardboard from large boxes cut to the correct size works great and if you want you can cover the cardboard with contact paper. No need for heavy materials such as luan, plywood, etc. The cutting boards or mats available at $Tree work great too.
I actually bought some cheap peel and stick tiles and used them to lever out the wire shelves. HD or Lowes had them on sale for 89c You could also go to Habitat for humanity for cheap tiles. Sturdy cardboard will work also. Think Amazon boxes.
Hi Pamela, hope this helps you.
You can get a nice shelf liner from Amazon
Hi Pamela: You can get some plexiglass sheets to put over the shelving. Most home improvement stores will cut them to size.
Add plastic tray or maaybe foil to the shelves.
Try using shelf liner! Even the cheap stuff from the dollar store will give you some grip. Failing that, cut up some old towels or placemats, anything with a bit of texture will help prevent things from sliding.
I used peel and stick floor tiles when I had those dang wire shelves. You could use cardboard or cut some boards from plywood.