What room in your home gets the most cluttered?
How do you deal with a cluttered room in your home?

We all have that one room in our home that seems to accumulate clutter no matter how hard we try to keep it tidy.
Whether it's the living room, bedroom, or even the garage, dealing with a cluttered room can be quite the challenge.
We'd love to hear from you: what strategies do you use to tackle the messiest room in your house?
Do you have a specific organization method that works wonders? Or maybe you've discovered clever storage solutions that help keep things in order?
Share your tips, tricks, and experiences!
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Sigh they are all about equal, except the bathroom, that is uncluttered.
The way I deal with a very disorganized area is to turn on some happy energetic music and set a timer for 15-20 minutes. Then I work quickly and pick up items that can be thrown away, then put like items with like items so they can all be put in the ideal, practical place to be retrieved later and perhaps even label so others can locate the items. I also try to work from top to bottom and when/if the timer goes off, finish up quickly and schedule another session for another time in your calendar, then repeat as needed.
This is definitely a permanent challenge, especially in convenient landing spots around the house. I like to customize my storage to fit the items and needs as I find that makes for higher success rates of keeping particular spots tidy.
The biggest thing I have found is getting rid of things I don't need. I grew up in clutter so it bugs me. Although you wouldn't know it right now because I've been gone so much and things are a bit piled up from mother & mother-in-law's funeral but I'm afraid if I put everything away I won't sit down and send out cards. That said, it is just a matter of discipline. My 8yo granddaughter is awful about leaving things around so I told her she has a room that she can have a mess if she wants but from now on, if it's left out it is mine. Sometimes I throw it away (happy meal toys) and sometimes I make her do chores to get it back.
Remove items one at a time into the most appropriate room until no more exists.
Hi Amy: Well, I have that one room, too. I started by cleaning it, putting things that I could donate into a box and really donated them! No going back to the box and saying "Well, I should keep that!" Once it's in the box, it stays in the box. Then, when I get a new thing for that room, it's "One thing in, 2 things out!". That way, I keep eliminating things and no fair putting the stuff in another room :) I also put 'like' things together. My worst thing is my book collection. I'll never read all of them, or do the crafts or make the cookies, etc., but I keep them on a shelf in groups according to subject. Other than that, I can eliminate stuff at a garage sale or donate them to a thrift store.
My open-plan living/dining/kitchen is probably the most cluttered area.
I do a tidy- up both in the morning and at night. It takes me no more than 10 minutes and it makes a big difference at keeping the room clutter free.
I also never hang onto anything we don't need.
If it's that bad, Close the Door Again!
With great difficulty!.... Help.
You could always go by the rule: Something new in, something old needs to be taken out. I also have a spot for everything. I do not like open shelves, they collect dust and act as a catch all. I also make sure thekitchen is cleaned EVERY night