How to add wind vents in a sun canopy please?

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How about getting one of those eyelet punches and putting alot of holes to vent?
Umbrella Wind Vents: Why are they important? -
With all of the umbrella wind vent choices available at, how are ... A wind vent is a flap in the fabric of canopy, or top, of a patio umbrella, that allows ... This canopy design adds a rich, elegant look to your patio umbrella top.
Missing: sun
Wind Slits: Are they effective? - Simply Signs & Banners Inc
May 3, 2011 - It is obviously perforated and would allow wind to flow through it instead of turning it into a ... The next best way is to install the banner correctly.
6 Best Canopies for Windy Situations |
Wind can create problems when you're using canopies to cover outdoor events ... A canopy with vents in the roof allows the wind to go inside and back out again ...
The grommets or large eyelets would work.... as would a series of large button holes (the bound button hole is done with a piece of fabric to prevent raveling... Google Search: how to make a bound button hole... choose the more images selection.
A bound button hole can be done by hand or with a machine... and since it is for a outdoor structure... use a UV treated thread...
Well ,.....huge button holes with a second flap of canopy covering the slit/button hole in such a way that rain kept out whilst trapped wind ( oooppsss!) Escapes....... May be an idea.Thank you.
Marty has the right idea. The fabric will be ripped to shreds in any wind if you just cut slots in the fabric.
In spite of this - they must be anchored down either with tent stakes, sand bags, something!
Besides the wind vents you may need to add some weights at the corners. This can be done simply with gallon milk jugs filled with water and tie a rope to hug handle and other end (pull tight enough so no slack but not so tight to raise jug off ground) to the frame (corner near top of ‘leg’). Or get creative and use galvanized buckets )decorate the sides, fill with cement & stick a big ‘eye bolt’ in cement as it dries (so the ‘eye’ Is above surface of cement) then once set thread rope thru the bolt eye & tie and other end tie to frame.