How to clean shower doors

How to clean glass shower doors
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Have you tried a razor blade paint scrapper?
Are you trying to get rid of soap scum? One part water, dish soap & vinegar. Heat mixture in microwave (very hot). Spray on glass, let stand for approx 15 min. I wipe with scrub pad then rinse. Might need to repeat on any missed spots. Works like a charm for me. You can reheat mixture when needed.
Warm water and white vinegar in a spray bottle.
Spray the shower with vinegar straight, and scrub with one of those nylon colored sponges that you would use yourself . You can buy them at the dollar store.
Lemon or orange oil paired with a magic eraser will do a fantastic job. The oil will help to repel future soap scum accumulation as well.
make a mixture of white vinegar and water 50/50 add a dab of blue dawn dish soap, and a dab of jet dry, spray,use Mr. clean Magic Eraser,and a squeeze
Wash the doors with white vinegar. Rinse and wipe dry. To prevent soap scum marks, apply some lemon oil to the inside of the door.
Buy some CLR (calcium, lime and rust remover) sold almost everywhere. It will make the shower door like new.
Try cleaning strength vinegar or C.L.R. On an old rag let soak and wash afterwards with some water and baking soda to neutralize and help remove the stubborn water spots.
I use a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and Dawn dish soap in a spray bottle. After spraying on the doors and letting it sit for 30 minutes, I spray it again and scrub with a green ScotchBrite pad. Rinse after that making sure you're not leaving soap on the shower floor because it'll be slippery.
Hi Melanie. I make a paste with baking soda and vinegar. It will bubble up when you make it. Then I scrub it on and let it sit for 10 minutes. Rinse and repeat if needed. Then I wipe them dry. Good Luck. It works great for me.
I just discovered this product. I was VERY impressed with how well it cleaned our shower walls!! SCRUBBING BUBBLES, MEGA SHOWER FOAMER!! NO harsh smell, very clean smell!! And it worked with one pass!!!
"Wet and Forget" is absolutely the best I have found. Spray and rinse. No scrubbing. Costs about $17 at Walmart...for a gallon. It will last a long time.
Ok folks listen to me I tried everything and all those home remedies dont work. I found a product called Clean Shower sold at shoprite. Its really a tile cleaner but works great on glass shower doors. Just spray it on after a shower and let it dry, thats it very simple no scrubbing or wiping or anything. It may take a couple of days of use for soap scum to disappear but it will work. if you cant find Clean Shower than any tile cleaner should work. now i use it every other day and it works fine. Try it you will love it.
Vinager and newspaper works well.
Wet used or new dryer sheets and spray glass with ant cleaner and rub over all the glass takes the scum off like magic.
fill a spraybottle with 3 parts water and 1 part of dishwasher rinse
and spray your doors with this mixture BEFORE taking a shower
I use a handful of used dryer sheets and vinegar. I found a new technique using spray canola oil (like Pam) and a green kitchen scrubby. Supposed to clean the deposits off and leaves a fine film to repel water. Will be giving it a try this weekend.
Try Bar keepers friend- good luck :)
SC Johnson’s scrubbing bubbles. It’s the best stuff ever on your entire shower and requires very little scrubbing. Just make sure the area is well ventilated
Depending on how dirty they are, you may only need Barkeeper's soft cleanser (in spray bottle) and a sponge. If it's mold you're talking about you will need Clorox Bathroom spray cleaner (w/bleech), If it's built up scum, take the doors outside, scrap with a window scraper, OR spray with oven cleaner, scrub, rinse. Works for me! Best of luck.
Dampen a fabric softener sheet and rub on the doors you may want to also use the magic eraser in combination with it while the fabric softener sheet residue is still on the glass rinse well .
Many years ago I had a lady who came and cleaned my house. My shower doors would sparkle after she was done. She told me she used Shout laundry stain remover spray. Don't know if they have changed up the formula over the years but you might give it a try.
have you tried this one....
Remove Soap Scum With a Grapefruit and Kosher Salt
Try a mixture of a cup baking soda and cup of liquid dish soap. Cut a grapefruit or large orange in half. Dip it into the mixture and scrub away.
Some people use 2 oz liquid Dawn dish soap, 4 oz. lemon juice, 8 oz. white vinegar, and 10 oz of water, spray it on and let it set all night, then clean off in the morning. This also works for cleaning ovens: apply, let set all night, wipe off in a.m. For real hard cleaning my husband bought the Turbo Hurricane scrubber. It takes all the "hard" out of hard work. We got ours online , but you can get them in Walmart now and probably other retail places too.
i like to use half lemon dipped in kosher salt.
wet door then work in a circular motion and rinse. It really gets all the soap scum off.
For hard water stains use Borax and water. Finish off with a polishing of car wax and the room will stay nice for a long time. Then clean as necessary and re-polish once a month.
Norwex envirocloth and window cloth! Just use water!
Try using denatured alcohol.
Hello! White vinegar, baking soda, Blue Dawn dish detergent and warm water. Spray on shower door and let the acidity in the vinegar loosen the soap scum. Then gently scour the shower walls. Repeat if necessary. Good luck!
I have used a product from Simonize company called My Cleaning Secret. It has cleaned many surfaces that were neglected for years in a house I inherited. It is really a great product.
I use a bunch of used fabric softener sheets dipped in vinegar. The combination does a great job. The remaining softener leaves an invisible coating that sheds water and the glass stays clean longer.
Vinegar or household ammonia in hot water with a little baking soda will clean glass.
Hello Lilia, hope this helps you out, In a spray bottle, mix 1 part white vinegar with 1 part grease-fighting dish soap. Spray glass door, and close to allow the solution to set and drip back into the shower. Use a cloth to scrub the surface by hand after about 20-30 minutes, and completely dry it. Once clean, I put a coating of rain x on the glass, it repels the wat and it beads off, and lastly I have a squeegee hanging in my shower, I do a quick squeegee on the doors after each shower.
Wash glass door with fabric softner sheets, rinse with water, towel dry and sprat lightly with WD-40 and work into glass and wipe off excess. This will keep door free from spots for 1-2 years
This is how I do it. Works great!
tilex is the best or soft scrub
Soft scrub works the best for me
I always use shaving cream rub it all over the glass with a cloth or your hand spray it down with shower head you're done and it also helps
What is wrong with them ? Do they have stains ?
Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 solution of Dawn dish soap and vinegar. Spray it on the shower doors and let it work. If they are tougher stains, you may have to scrub with a plastic scrubber!
I just read this the other day tried it and have been doing it ever since and I clean houses you take a tablespoon of fabric softener in a spray bottle and spray it on the door wipe it off if it doesn't come off easily with that you can try it straight but it works! It can be any kind of fabric softener
I have several cleaning tutorials that might help you
Rejuvenate bath product. I found it at lowes. Spray it on 3minutes later rinse it. Done no scrubbing
Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 solution of Dawn dish soap and vinegar. Spray it on and let it work. You may need to use a plastic scrubber for tougher stains on the glass.
Get a Shower Cleaner - Check on label to see if it will clean the type of build up you have on your door!
Get rid of grime on the interior of your glass shower door by following these simple steps:
I have tried multiple solutions: dawn with vinegar - heated, kosher salt and grape fruit, scrubbing bubbles, straight vinegar, squeegee, just to name a few. Then I found a product called Wet & Forget Shower. I bought it to try and clean the non slip bottom of my tub (even bleach wouldn't get it truly clean) but ended up using it everywhere - floor, walls, fixtures, and doors- of the shower. In the beginning, I used it twice a week but now I use once a week and it does an amazing job without ever scrubbing. My only regret was waiting so long to try it.
I use 2 methods. I also have a hand held shower head to make cleaning easier. I either buy a cheap shampoo at the dollar store, rub it on, let it sit a minute and then spray it off. Or I use Dawn, White vinegar and water spray. I clean the tiles and the door with that spray. What really helps is to dry the door after each shower.
Spray with a mixture of Dawn dish soap and vinegar.
I've used a 50/50 mix of vinegar and dish soap, let it sit then scrub and it’s a miracle worker.
Hello Lila: Here's a site that is really informative: How to Clean Glass Shower Doors So They Shine (
Coca Cola? WD-40? or Limescale remover from the cleaning Isle of Supermarket!
Heat up 1 cup of white vinegar, mix in about 1/4 cup of Dawn Platinum Not the dollar store kind, because it is too thin. When mixed, pour into a spray bottle and fill with water. Shake. It works wonders. Rinse well and dry.
After each shower make sure you either dry the door with a towel or use a squigee.
I usually use a 50/50 mix of dish soap and vinegar but since I put EnduroShield on my shower glass, all it needs is just a squirt of dish soap mixed with water and a sponge, clean in seconds.
This thread should also have some good tips!
Mix distilled water and white vinegar in equal parts. Simply fill a spray bottle with them, spray the surface, and use a microfiber cloth to wipe it off. Rubber alcohol and mild dish soap are also effective.
Mr. Muscle Bathroom cleaner?
Hi Lilia, hope this helps you. You can buy dedicated limescale remover sprays which you can put on shower screens or other affected areas and wipe off with a brillo pad. White vinegar is a nice, eco-friendly alternative.
If you’ve got limescale on your glass shower screen, then getting rid of it will help restore your bathroom to its stylish best.
Here's a post that might help
I squeegee my glass door every time I shower. Very little to clean up.
Hey everyone, stop cleaning your showers. I have never cleaned my shower ever. Each time I shower, I take an old hand towel and a squeegee into the shower. After my shower, I squeegee all surfaces removing as much water as possible, then dry the shower with the towel as well as the glass. My shower sparkles all the time and always looks brand new. No need to spend hours cleaning or hiring professionals to clean your shower. I swear this works great!
Hi Lilia, hope this helps you, rain x makes a shower door cleaner, which also repels water from staining
Steam Cleaner. To prevent - never leave door wet - use dampest towel to wipe it dry.
Hi Lilia: Try this site: How to Clean Glass Shower Doors So They Shine (
I owned my own cleaning company I used dawn dish soap to clean them with & a magic eraser
Hi Lilia: This is the best site I've found for this: How to Clean Glass Shower Doors So They Shine ( I've used the ideas and they worked quite well.
I hade done this for years and years and have no water marks on my shower door.Heat up 1 cup of white vinegar; mix in about 1/4 cup of Dawn Platinum Not the dollar store kind, because it is too thin. When mixed, pour into a spray bottle and fill with water. Shake. It works wonders on shower doors and keeps hard water stains at bay. You can also use a cheap shampoo from the $$$ Store. Squirt it on the door. Use a sponge to clean then spray the door with water. I have a hand held attachment for my shower as well as a stationary one.
PS this mixture also works on tiles and the toilet.
lHi Lilia: Check this site: How to Clean Glass Shower Doors So They Shine
Baking soda and vinegar. Better to towel dry everytime it is used - No build Up!
Evellyn a 32 oz spray bottle is what I use.