How to clean my showerhead?

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Fill a strong baggie with white vinegar, rubber band the bag around the shower head & let it soak for 24 hours.
Then take an old toothbrush & brush the loose build up away.
It may need to be repeated.,
take it off and soak in CLR which is a cleaner (HD, Lowes, etc) that removes mineral deposits. Scrub with a toothbrush. Don’t forget to replace the latex tape before putting shower head back on.
Anything that is an acid or is acid based will clean a shower head. The stronger the less time involved. If using CLR (or store brand) or a more acidic wear rubber gloves. Either the plastic bag over the head or remove the head and place in a bowl, remember to reseal the threads. Many newer shower heads need only be "rubbed" across the face as the holes are rubber tipped and the calcium will just fall off.
I cleaned my dirty, corroded shower head last week using enough white vinegar in a plastic bag to cover the shower head and, then used 2 rubber bands to secure the bag over the shower head. I left mine over night and after taking the bag off, wiped the shower head with a rag. It was sparkling clean.
Hi! I like to use CLR on my shower head. I just pour some in a bowl (or butter container) and then hold it up to the shower head. The CLR will take off all of the build up and soap scum and clean it beautifully. I usually thrown on a pair of plastic gloves when I am doing it just for protection but you don't have to. Hope this helps!
Yes, yes and yes to all the people saying to put white vinegar in a ziploc bag and rubber band around the shower head! Works like a charm!
Hi Lori, you can soak it in vinegar, or you can buy some CLR and soak it in that, I usually use a bowl wide and deep enough to submerge the shower head in, you could also try using a plastic bag that holds water to do this, if using CLR, check it every 2 minutes, it works really fast, rinse it well.
I soaked it overnight in apple cider vinegar- it worked great !!
Soak it in a vinegar and water solution. You can do this while still attached. Depending on the shape of the head, you can fill a freezer gallon sized zip lock bag with a 50/50 mixture and submerge the head, using rubber bands to “tie” the bag onto the head. Another option is to soak a rag in the solution, then wrap it around the shower head and wrap that in plastic wrap so it stays really wet.
Let the shower head soak for a few hours or overnight. Then remove your vinegar solution. Run hot water through the head. If it doesn’t immediately clear the holes then you can use a toothpick or something similar to scrape out each plugged hole in the shower head.
Hope that works!
Fill up a ziplock bag with Lime Away and then put the showerhead into the bag and tie a rubberband around the shower head. Leave it for about 10 minutes and then it should be cleared up. If it is real bad do it again and again until it clears up.
I scrub my shower head with a bathtub brush + bathroom cleaner spray. I have seen people put cleaner in a plastic bag and tie it around the shower head to let it "soak"
If you have soft water, or use a water softener, then buy an acetylene torch tip cleaner. It is a group of various size "wires" with a rasp like side, the right size will do a great job.
If you have hard water, you can either remove it and soak in vinegar, or try to tie a plastic bag around it with vinegar. Removing it mush less messy. The torch tip set will also work.
Put vinegar and baking soda in a good quart or gallon plastic bag and attach around shower head overnight with a rubber band.
works like a charm
Hi Greta, hope this helps you out.