Homemade faucet cover
How to create homemade faucet covers?

Last winter my outdoor faucets froze up and I would like to be prepared for the next cold season! I'm looking for a budget-friendly solution to protect my faucets from freezing.
I've heard about homemade faucet covers, and I'd love to learn from your DIY experience. Could you please share your homemade faucet cover ideas?
Thank you
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People cover them with old towels and a plastic bag, but it's just easier to go to your local home improvement store and buy a styrofoam cover. They are very inexpensive and look better.
I agree with Ann completely. In the past, in an emergency I've rigged homemade covers that do look unsightly, then discovered the foam ones that are easy to install at the beginning of winter and last throughout the cold months and are reusable.
Here's what a couple of Hometalkers did for a homemade faucet cover:
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You can buy covers for under $5 at home improvement stores.
You can ocver them with a Folgers plastic coffee can. As Ann said the styrofoam covers are only a few dollars. I have used my old pretty towels to cover faucets as well.
Hi Dustin, hope this helps you out.
Wrap the faucet with several layers of rags or t-shirts, making it as snug as possible. Cover the fabric insulation with one or two plastic bags. Secure the bags with the tape by wrapping them several times around.
You can wrap with insulation, I would use the kind that has a paper backing. If you want it to be decorative, you can cover with a plastic container from the dollar store. Just cut around your faucet and fill with insulation.
The ones at the home improvement store are inexpensive if you're interested in that route. I've been able to reuse mine for at least 7 winters now. Otherwise, I'd grab an old plastic container or foam cooler and attach it, filling the voids with towels or insulation.
Hi Dustin: First of all, shut off the water on the inside of the house and let the faucet drain and leave it on slightly in case it feels as though it needs to drip. Then, take the handle off, it should just be on with a screw, and then cut a piece of that foam tubing you can get at the dollar store to fit over the faucet. You can slice it on one side, length wise, and then tie it on the faucet tightly with string or even those long zip ties. That should do it.
Good luck
Thanks all
There's a guide here that could be helpful! https://www.housedigest.com/855035/how-to-make-your-own-faucet-cover/
It depends on what zone you're in. For us in northern MN that often reaches -30 Fahrenheit in the winter we've done two things. One we built a box that sits on the ground and completely enclosed the faucet with at least a foot on all sides around it and filled the box with insulation and also keep a heater that we can turn on that is right by where it exists that house.
I have two simple suggestions for you. One is to take a pool noodle, cut to size, slice it open on one side (like a hotdog bun) and place over anything such as faucets or pipes. The second is to take a styrofoam cup or 2 (size it by the opening that fits your faucet) and place it over the faucet with the opening against the house or wall. This can also be placed over a faucet "wearing wool socks"! That allows the warmth to stay in and helps hold the styrofoam cup in place. You have gotten many great ideas from others, so no doubt you will have multiple solutions!!
Wind aound bubble plastic!
Hey there, Dustin! You can check out this article on how to make your own faucet covers. Hope this helps!
My dad used to wrap plastic bags around each out door faucet (about 4 bags per faucet. They worked but not the best method.
Hey Dustin: Here's a neat site with loads of ideas: faucet covers using pool noodles - Search Videos (bing.com) Be sure to turn the water off on the inside of your house, open the taps and let the water drip out. Leave it like that and then make a pool noodle cover.