Asked on Apr 17, 2023

How to fix a slow filling toilet?

by Shoshana

I'm having an issue with my toilet - it's taking forever to fill up after flushing. How can I identify the cause of the issue and once fixed what maintenance habits can I adopt to prevent this from occurring? Has anyone tried any DIY fixes that actually work or should I just call a plumber from the start?

How to fix slow filling toilet

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  10 answers
  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Apr 17, 2023

    it could be the flapper in the tank is not closing all the way and so the water takes longer to fill tank or A slow-filling toilet may be a symptom of a problem with the water supply valve. For a slow-filling toilet, make sure the water supply valve is fully open. Then check the fill valve assembly in the tank and clear any debris according to the manufacturer's instructions.

  • Janice Janice on Apr 17, 2023

    Check the water line behind your toilet to insure it is turned completely to the left for full water pressue flowing into your toilet tank. If that doesn't help then clean the flexible gasket near the bottom of the tank, sometimes they can get "gunk" on them from the water. Next the chain that is attached to the handle may need to be adjust in length a bit (if its an older toilet).

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Apr 17, 2023

    There are a couple of reasons:

    Make sure the valve that controls the flow is wide open and there are no kinks in the line.

    The float ball-take a look inside your tank and if the ball is floating on top of the water, it is fine, if submerged, replace it.

    The fill valve is connected to a vertical shaped tube, it determines how much water comes into the tank, they can clog, wear down and shift position. If this happens, the fill valve cannot function properly, causing the slow fill. You will have to clean out blockages, watch as it flushes.

    You can also look at the chain length and flapper.When you push down the handle the flapper should raise up and when released come down into position again, yours may need a simple adjustment.

    If you run through all these checks and have no results, get a plumber.

    Best to you.

  • Dee Dee on Apr 17, 2023

    I had that problem and changed out the water supply line flush pipe, and that did the trick.Mine had residue in the pipe from hard water.

  • William William on Apr 17, 2023

    Clean the fill valve

    Replace the fill valve

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Apr 18, 2023

    There is a flap inside the toilet attached to a chain make the chain so it just reaches the clip it sounds like there is to much slack in the chain. The chain. Lips on and off take the lid off the back tank be careful it’s heavy.

  • Ginger Ginger on Apr 19, 2023

    If it’s an old toilet then you may want to replace the water valve. They go bad as well and can cause the water pressure to slow down.

  • Hey there, Shoshana! You can try these steps:

    1. Clear the clogged vent. If the vent is clogged, use a pair of needle nose pliers to pull out anything that's in there.
    2. Clear the clogged drain. Plunge the drain with a small amount of vinegar and baking soda.
    3. Fix any leaks in your plumbing.
    4. Remove any blockage from the pipe.

    Hope this helps!

  • Shoshana Shoshana on Apr 23, 2023

    Thank you everyone, the issue was a clogged vent. I appreciate the help fixing my toilet

    • Ginger Ginger on May 02, 2023

      Good to hear it’s fixed. You may want to consider replacing it at some point because it can just give you problems along the way

  • First check for leaks inside the tank, if the flapper isn't sitting right, then check to see if the water knob on the wall has been accidentally readjusted. You might be able to adjust the water flow on the filler. If the filler has gone bad itself, they're very easy to replace.