How to get rid of frogs.

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Frogs eat bugs - kill the frogs - the bugs eat you. Keep chlorine in your pool and the swimming frogs will go die.
I agree with Mary. I would much prefer frogs to bugs and if there are no bugs to eat the frogs will go where there are bugs. As for the noise, I can attest to the fact that you eventually get used to the noise and sleep through it although there is always a period of time before that happens. We moved from the country where it was pretty silent to town next to a railroad track. It took a while, but we did sleep through the new noise eventually. Then we moved into a small town where a huge fan at a grain elevator kept me awake for it seemed forever. I wished with all my heart that they would turn off that fan. Not possible since that is to prevent the grain dust from exploding. The ventilation is essential. Now I sleep through it and never notice it at all. One day when I was visiting my daughter, we were watching TV when she suddenly said, "Look!" we looked down that there were a whole bunch of little brown frogs that were hopping across the living room carpet. The sliding door had been left open! We quickly gathered them all up and put them outside again and after that we kept that door closed! LOL now it is a fun memory!
Nah, Carey, they don't care about other living creatures. Just their own comfort...can't wait for the next round of questions: mosquitoes are eating me alive! Or: help! Bugs are eating my flowers! Moths have taken over! Help!
Hello, hope this helps you out.
Some sort of cover would keep them out.
That is going to be a problem as they always return to where they were sporned. It must have been a damp place before you had the pool!