How to keep door wreath from blowing off?

I love the look of a wreath on a front door. Unfortunately the wind that hits the front of my house plays havoc with anything I hang on the door. Any ideas?
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Perhaps using two Command hooks will help, one to hang the wreath on and another attached the opposite way to "hook" the bottom of the wreath as well. Hope that works!
Thanks I'll try that.
When I hang my wreaths, I basically wire them around the ONE nail I have in the door. I find that placing heavier items on the bottom of the wreath, (or adding them from behind) help keep the wreath in place. One could add fishing weights, tablecloth weights, rocks, etc. You have to wire wrap, hot glue everything you want to stay in place. In California they sell something called "shelf putty" to hold things down on shelves....shouldn't that work for a wreath? Won't hurt your door either. Check it out!
I have been using a really heavy duty wreath magnet. I think I need to see if I can find another one and anchor from the bottom.
I love Command hooks. They really stay put. Try a three point anchor for less movement in high winds. I live on an island and this works!
If you have a storm door or screen door, the decorations could be hung behind it. I’ve done that.
Heavy duty Velcro will work.
I got a zip tie on mine.