How to know when gray water tank must be connected to septic?

We live in the 1950’scountry home on a septic/drain filedsystem with a grand-fathered gray water tank. We replaced our septic system anddrain field in 2000 (14 years ago) and at the same time we replaced the exteriorgrade up to code-grade pipes to the septic system (is that called schedule35/36?)
We are retired, living on a fixed income and don’t’ have theready cash to pay a plumber to connect the gray water system to our septic unlesswe have no other choice. We’ve been fooled before plumbers and septic companiestelling us we need expensive “repairs” we did not need so we want to be surethat this is what we need to do?
SLOW DRAINING TUB: My west bathroom tub is draining slowly(slower and slower) and my sink is “gurgling” in just that one bathroom (the othereast side bathroom shower seems totally fine.) We took out a clump of hair from the tub, triedusing a recipe of baking soda and vinegar to clear the trap but nothing hasreally changed in the draining. This bathroom sink gurgles too. This tub cannotbe snaked due to the type of outlet hardware. We can’t get into the sink drain eitherso snaking is not an option there. We prefer to not use chemicals if at all possible.
LAUNDRY ROOM TUB: This is draining a bit slower.
KITCHEN SINK: One side drains slow (old broken garbagedisposal) the other side of the kitchen sink seems to be normal.
We had it pumped about three years ago and in a household ofjust two adults who are in and out (using other toilets too in out building, at work etc.) I use specialtoilet paper for septic systems, toss my toilet papers into the waste basket soI can’t imagine we have filled up the septic already. (We put all of our urine TP(which is sterile) in the compost bin too.)
We have an old “gray water system” but this is currently not connectedto our septic system so this should have no effect on the toilets orshowers/tubs, right?
We are trying to decide if the gray water tank is full (ifthere is a thing or if it has “given out.”) I’d rather not use chemicals as weare totally organic here, drinking our well water and eating out food from thesoil in the garden.
We do know our ground water is quite high right now, justabout three feet below the surface soil. Could this be causing the slowdraining?Can anyone tell me why else this slow draining might behappening? Thank you!!
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Each drain is connected to a single drain that empties into the septic tank. Consequently, all water that goes through the drain eventually ends up in the septic tank.