How to remove easily dried silicone sealant on glass windows

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Hi there, this video by a professional window cleaner should help out - He does talk a lot in the beginning so all the action happens at around 3 minutes into the video
If you still have the packaging for the silicone, give it a quick read and see if there are any tips on clean up. You might try mineral spirits or acetone though if it's caulk, I've recently seen sprays at my hardware store that claim to remove dried caulk.
A razor blade scraper will be your easiest, least expensive, and most effective way. Although it may take a bit of time and muscle.
A single edged razor blade and any kind of oil such as vegetable or canola, it will provide a barrier so the caulk will scrape off and no scratches on the glass.
I have used a utility razor carefully.
I use a razor blade in a safety handle. It should scrape off easily, but use a new, sharp blade or your could scratch the glass. Also, if it really won't budge, you can use a hairdryer to soften it up a big first.
Krud Kutter