Gas smell from dryer
Is it normal to smell gas in dryer?

Has anyone encountered a distinct gas smell from the dryer? Is this normal or should I be calling a professional?
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It could be a leaky valve or faulty igniter. I would have a professional look at it.
Call a pro. Could be leaking gas valve. Turn the gas off to the dryer until it gets checked out.
have a professional check it out so you don't cause a fire to start - safest way to get answers
Never! If you have a detector in your home (usually in the kitchen), I would move it to the laundry area. It sounds like you have a leak which is very dangerous, even deadly.
What about right outside of dryer vent ( out doors)? I often smell gas in the little yard space between my and my neighbors house ( from their dryer vent)....sometimes really noticeable.
Have this checked out professionally, smelling gas from a dryer is not a safe thing to have in your house.
If you can smell gas something is wrong. Please call someone to check this out.
Call a plumber, he can track down the leak. You should not smell gas in the dryer and it could be very dangerous. Turn off the gas valve immediately.
It's a clue that your igniter is malfunctioning if you open your dryer early in the cycle and smell gas or can smell it on your clothes.
Call the company that supplies your gas to your home. They'll usually do a safety check free of charge. It's not anything to second guess.
Hi Candice, no it's not normal. You will want to call a pro in to see where the leak is. They respond fast to gas leaks!
No, I don't think that's normal. You should call a technician in to check it out.
Thanks, I called a technician
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Turn off the valve and call a plumber TODAY.
No. My dad owned a gas service company for years. It's not normal at all and you should call a pro or the gas company. And soon.
Anytime gas is involved I would call a professional. If you think its possibly just a musty smell, here's how to clean a gas dryer:
Hi Candice! If you open your dryer early in the cycle and smell gas or can smell it on your clothes, that's a sign that your igniter is going bad. This ventilation issue can be caused by a dirty filter or an exhaust system breach.