So narrow to walk into our room
Is it ok to have the back of your sofa facing the entrance of house?

When you walk into my home the dining area is on the left and in front of you is the living room. The back of my sofa faces you because there’s no where else to put it and it’s bugging me! It’s not in a place where it feels welcoming to come in and sit down in my living room. I tried putting it on the wall with the (white birch wall picture) but it did it look right... I attached some photos so everyone could see.
Looking from front door
Other wall I tried to put sofa on but looked bad
Looking to the front door
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A nice sofa table would allow you to basically keep the sofa where it is and provide more storage for you at the same time . Check out this once that cost about $30 and 1 day to make.
I hope it's OK. That's how one mine is! You might put a sofa table behind it for a more decorative touch? It might look more inviting.
Yeah, I lived that for several years in my old home. Bothered me more than anyone else. You could build/buy a narrow sofa table to put behind it. The highboy cabinet on the right may be in the way. You could move it if you plan for a sofa table.
I only see one picture; is the large breakfront to the right tipped at an angle or does the wall run on an angle? Could you put the sofa on the wall underneath the photos where it says “family“?Good that large breakfront be moved someplace else to give it a more open look?
Actually, I like it where it is, except I would move it to the left (as you look at the back, facing the fireplace) and put the chairs on either side of the fireplace. Improving the flow into the room by creating a walkway into the conversation/seating area will help. When I don't like a room flow, I try to remove one or two pieces of furniture, and see if it was too crowded.
Sure! Put a skinny table, shelving behind the couch butt up against it and add home accents! I see this everyday in rich houses that I have to go to. It works great if you have a big enough room to do so and you do! Looks good.
If I was you, I would get rid of that big tall piece of hutch and put it in another room. It actually doesn't go with the room anyway. Instead I would put a skinny table behind the couch to balance out the room. Too much furniture makes the room look cluttered, keep it simple and air flowing.
I don't mind the way the back of your sofa looks when you enter the room; it probably bothers you more than anyone else! It's an attractive sofa.
I think your best bet, if you really hate it, is to get a narrow sofa table to put there. You can put a couple of pretty things there, or a low silk flower arrangement, or some books with nice bookends, etc.
Nothing you have to worry about someone knocking over!
The table, lamp and chair are more of an obstacle than the sofa. If you could at least see a pathway into the room it would look better. But the best advice i can offer is to move the TV to the wall with the family photos. Put the sofa across from it. Put a chair, or get matching chairs, to put where the sofa is now. They wouldn't have to be centered on the fireplace.
Otherwise put the sofa on either wall and the chairs across from it. Leave the TV where it is now.
Why not rearrange the furniture and TV. Put the TV on the wall and then you can put the sofa on the wall that faces the TV?
I like the idea of the sofa table. I was also thinking that perhaps you could remove that brown end table altogether, and put in a floor standing lamp behind the sofa instead (pic attached). This would still give you some light and could be a bit decorative while providing a more clear pathway into the living room. I was also trying to imagine what you could put in that “archway between your hallway and your living room to soften up those walls, however I’m sure what that could be.
Wow. You have gotten a lot of advice. I'm just wondering, could you put the high-boy where your family pics are? That would give a lot more space. Maybe pull the sofa to where the high-boy is now? If it fits. Another idea is: is the high-boy all one piece? Or does it break down into two pieces? If it's two pieces, the bottom portion could be the sofa table. And the upper portion would need to find a home somewhere else. Perhaps on top of a bureau in a bedroom.
I would love to hear what you did. I have a similar issue.
I do this frequently in my own home and assisting my clients with decorating. I like a sofa table behind to put a lamp on and a plate for keys, and a basket for mail.
I think it defines the space. If you wanted, you could put a sofa table behind it.
There are no hard and fast rules about where you should place your sofa in your home. Ultimately, it's up to you and what works best for your space and your needs. However, there are a few things you may want to consider when deciding where to place your sofa:
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Mine is also. Sort of use it to make any entry where there is none.