Is it possible to weatherproof a wreath?

I want to make a wreath using faux flowers for my mothers grave. How do I weatherize it to withstand Indiana weather?
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Here are a few ideas Michelle. My first thought would be to use a spray can of exterior poly or marine spar varnish. That may work for a certain period of time but won't last forever. I would try it on a few extra flowers just to see what it does as you spray it on and then let it dry.
You can add a protective sealing but it may yellow the flowers a bit. You will want to use a UV resistant spray like SunGuard.
Hi Michelle, you can buy a spray on matte lacquer from the paint section and spray the entire thing, let it dry then spray a second and/or third coat on it to make sure you got it all
Michelle: maybe this will help
Don't use spray poly. Only use spray made for fabric to be used outdoors. The chemicals in poly and varnish will actually deteriorate the flowers. Only use fabric protection for exterior fabric. I hope it last a long time with fond memories of mom.
You can spray them with a few coats of acrylic spray. It will make them waterproof and protect them for awhile. Not to sure if it will last years because it will eventually breakdown over time.
Yes, a spray that’s UV stable is it. This would typically be called a Spar or Marine polyurethane.
What about putting it into a clear box?
You could try this waterproof solution:
Try spraying it with a can of polyurethane let it dry thoroughly and spray a second coat, and that might help.
Hi Michelle,
You could try using Scotchguard spray for upholstery etc.
Buy a can of scotch gard and spray the heck out of it I did that to a valentines flag I bought 20 years ago and it still looks new