Asked on Jan 22, 2017

Looking for ideas to use the cloth-bags that sheets & cases come in!

by Becky
I hate to throw out the fabric bags that sheets and pillow cases come in I have a set with velcro closures and a set with elastic any ideas what to do with them ?
  52 answers
  • Wal13132785 Wal13132785 on Jan 22, 2017

    I share the same problem as Becky & like her would appreciate any idea on use, outside of filling them with poly fiber & using them for extra throw pillows on the bed.

  • Rebecca D Rebecca D on Jan 22, 2017

    I keep mine as well. I use then to store special items in.

    I've used one to keep pencils and pens in, so when someone needs one I go to the bag.

    The bigger bags that comforters come in I use as well for storing winter clothes, shoes, anything that can fit in in I use!

    You've got to use your imagination and you'll come up with many various ways to use!

    Good luck! Rebecca D

  • Car14135914 Car14135914 on Jan 22, 2017

    You can use muslin a stiff type , cut a large square 12"wx14""l Then take those bags pin them down one side leaving about 1"or 2" between sew the 3 sides down leaving the opening at the top . You will have to measure if you have different sizes. Then add some to the other side. Add loops or some kind of rings for a dowel about 2" thick to hang it. You may need to add one on bottom so it hangs straight. You can then add anything to this pocket hanger. Scissors , notions, socks, kids toys. Put your idea on paper as it will help bring your idea to life and help in the creating of what you have in mind and can go back to as you assemble. Good luck. You also can fill them with pillow stuffing sew together for a puffy throw. Children love em. Buttons can be added to middles of each for a more cushion look, as a cover for a chair etc. Have fun

  • Cyndi Neumann Cyndi Neumann on Jan 24, 2017

    When I ger Clean Plastic Bedding Holders , I use them for storage of my Fabrics and Seasonal Clothing. I never ever toss them out! Smiles, Cyndi

  • Kks15956001 Kks15956001 on Jan 24, 2017

    I use the fabric bags sheets come in to put my shoes in when I travel.

  • Patty S Patty S on Jan 24, 2017

    Keep your pantyhose in them. Keeps them orderly or you can even use them to wash your pantyhose in the washing machine.

  • K K on Jan 26, 2017

    You could use them as produce bags for the grocery store or farmers market. They would make good lingerie bags for the wash to keep socks together or bra straps from twisting up in the washer. Also good for hanging cedar chips in storage closets.

  • Golschneider Golschneider on Jan 27, 2017

    I use one from purchasing pillowcases to keep my phone and tablet chargers in my purse. The cords stay tangle free and clean from debris.

  • Joanie Joanie on Jan 29, 2017

    I have ALL different kinds and sizes......Mostly I use them for travel. A few are good for combs, roll brushes and hairdryer. I ALWAYS have a special one for shampoos, hairsprays, lotions. I use one for my fingernail and toenail supplies. One for polishes......They sure are NICE and useful!! ;))))

  • Lucy Marie Bernier Lucy Marie Bernier on Jan 29, 2017

    I use them for storage. Like I keep my shorty socks in them. Use it for poporee to hang in your closet.

  • Nancy Nancy on Jan 31, 2017

    I use the bag to store the bedding I am not using. If you fold your sheet sets after washing them, simply store in the bag the came in. You can place them on your linen closet shelf all nice and neat.

    • Gin52361987 Gin52361987 on Aug 27, 2021

      I use the pillow slip for this, I usually will put the whole bedding set into one pillow case so that I don't have to hunt for matching linen, made such a difference 😊

  • Becky Becky on Feb 01, 2017

     Thanks for the idea !

  • Becky Becky on Feb 01, 2017

    Great idea ! Thanks.

  • Joye R. Foster Joye R. Foster on Feb 13, 2017

    My husband and I are retired and travel. On a recent trip I purchased containers to pack shirts, underware, makeup, etc. so it is easy to unpack. They are actually exactly like the sheet containers, just a lot more expensive.

  • Kp Kp on Oct 06, 2018

    I make shower curtains from twin flat sheets. The come in a tall, thin bag. I have one of those bags in my teen’s bathroom where she stores feminine products. She wanted something discrete. We also store dog stuff in a larger tween sheet set bag so we always have his supplies in the trunk - spare leash, waste bags, travel bowl, towel to wipe his feet. I painted his name on the outside. It’s cute.

  • Merrill M Merrill M on Oct 06, 2018

    Save them for out of season linens, pillows, blankets, towels, etc.

  • Janet Janet on Oct 06, 2018

    They also make great "gift" bags.

  • Ann Kleinsmith McCarthy Ann Kleinsmith McCarthy on Nov 09, 2018

    Thank you for the great ideas!

  • V V on Jan 19, 2019

    If it's the cloth ones with the drawstring, those are perfect for hiding vibrators in your sock drawer!

    • Amy Amy on Oct 03, 2021

      Absolute brilliant idea! You're a genius! One of my kids found one and I had to tell him it's a massager. LOL. Definitely using this idea!

  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on Jan 20, 2019

    I use mine as pillow cases for my neck pillow and travel pillow

  • Sharon Day Sharon Day on Apr 20, 2019

    These are all great ideas, but I was hoping to find something I could make out of the bag or turn the bag into . . . . a craft/sewing project. Since with many of the bags, they have the same pattern as the sheets/pillow cases, they would be cute as something near the bed that the sheets are on. I just can't figure out what! I'm usually pretty good at coming up with creative ideas, but this one has me stumped. Any crafty folks out there have any ideas?

    • See 5 previous
    • Gin52361987 Gin52361987 on Aug 27, 2021

      Fab idea, I'll be doing this one!

  • Cinn Cinn on May 03, 2019

    Thanks for the ideas. I, definitely, used a couple of the ideas!

  • Julie Julie on May 21, 2019

    I used mine as a bag to hold my kindle and keep it plugged in. I hung it on the bed frame.

  • Teresa Lavender Teresa Lavender on Dec 04, 2019

    If you take an old cereal box and cut it to size for the pillow case ones, the sew the flap to make a tube you can run a few them onto a curtain rod and hang on the wall for storage - great for either the bathroom, craft room, or for kids toys - lots of ideas!

  • Lara Sena Lara Sena on Jan 02, 2020

    I put ice packs in them. You could use them as a pillowcase for a heat rice packs or make a rice pack heat pads.

  • Lollymelinda Lollymelinda on Feb 03, 2020

    I am gonna use mine to keep makeup in.

    Folding the top down as it is and using a strong stick pin on each side to tack them up on the bathroom wall.

    Put my hair ties and accessories in one and then make up and such in the other.

  • Jen P Jen P on Apr 05, 2020

    Alright I finally figured out what to do with mine now that we need face masks! I made three masks, two with pockets.

    First, cut off the flaps, keeping the hemmed edges. Make the trifolds in the material (see other face mask patterns) and sew in the ties on the sides —I used shoelaces. This will make one mask, perfectly sized.

    For the next two masks, turn the bag inside out and cut all the seams. You should have two pieces shaped like a T.

    Make the trifolds again (on the big T) and notice that when you flip it over, you can flip up the extra piece forms a natural pocket! The pocket can hold a filter or more material for extra protection. See pics!

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    • Lauri Lauri on Apr 21, 2020

      Great idea! I used old t-shirts and Bandannas to make masks. I too am looking for ways to upcycle the sheet and duvet cover bags. The material is so nice, hate to throw them away!

  • Sally Thrower Solana Sally Thrower Solana on May 02, 2020

    I also hate to throw those bags away. I quilt, so I use mine to store quilt scraps in. These have the velcro closures. I categorized them with sharpies and hung them with drapery rings with a clip.

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  • Cristine Schwartzberg Cristine Schwartzberg on May 02, 2020

    We live away from family so we travelled quite a bit before the pandemic. I repurposed the to shoe bags for traveling.

  • Katrina Milam Katrina Milam on Dec 16, 2020

    They are perfect covers for small pillows, such as the memory foam heart pillow costco sells, or memory foam knee pillows or the little pillows you use for travel. Keeps the cover they come with nice and clean. I especially love the jersey/t-shirt ones for this because they stretch nicely and feel so soft.

  • Paul Wilkins Paul Wilkins on Jul 09, 2021

    I prefer to use the cloth bag to also store the sheets when not being used.

    • Laura Laura on Dec 27, 2022

      I can never get the sheets to fo.d back that small again😜

  • Jim Jim on Jul 12, 2021

    I like to use the decorative fabric of the sheet bags to sew pretty sleep masks that coordinate with my bedroom.

  • Tracey Tracey on Aug 20, 2021

    For travel. Cover shoes to keep other clothes clean. To store undies, socks, little whatevers together.

  • Gin52361987 Gin52361987 on Aug 27, 2021

    I am going to use mine to store bridles and leather accessories in, they are breathable and soft so will be ideal for leather, just have to buy more bed linen now to get them lol, (joke) I'm also going to cut arms and legs off of old unusable clothing for the same thing 😉

  • Ren Ren on Sep 06, 2021

    I've added a long strap before to use them for gathering/picking things in the garden or woods. :-) Great for kids to bring home their cool finds from the "wild" in also.

  • Kara M Poates Kara M Poates on Jun 24, 2022

    An outer cover for a plant pot or a make a gnome.

  • Becky Becky on Jun 24, 2022

    Thank you all for your wonderful ideas. I have discovered another idea, stemming from my grandsons graduation. You had to have clear bags for a purse. Luckily I had one with a handle. It worked great!

  • Candice Silsbee Candice Silsbee on Apr 02, 2023

    I put socks and soap nuts in mine for laundering in washing machine.

  • Mogie Mogie on Apr 03, 2023

    Trick or treat bags for your kids.

  • Mary Allen Stutler Mary Allen Stutler on Jan 30, 2024

    I think they can be made into doll cloths and maybe to decorate doll houses with curtains, table cloth rugs etc

  • Janice Janice on Jan 30, 2024

    I use them to store seasonal clothing/shoes. They're great because you can see what's stored in them. Most can be stored beneath a bed. If you have little ones they can have fun using them as play suitcases or storage for smaller toys. You could also poke some holes in the bottom/sides and then use it to house bathtub toys from one bath to another.

  • Vanessa Vanessa on May 18, 2024

    I was just given a box full of them.. all different sizes! Some have drawstring, some have handles with zippers. I was hoping they would be heavier like burlap, but I'm still going to try and use them to cover my plants this winter. Not even sure if they're big enough! But I can sell a couple of them together...🤔

  • Dianne Dianne on Oct 29, 2024

    I added some poly fil and catnip to bag — the cat loves it

  • I would add a strap, sew it on and then add an iron on pattern to make a bag.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Oct 30, 2024

    Use to store things like belts, Bows and accessories - handbags, shoes?

  • Ssa132786415 Ssa132786415 on Dec 11, 2024

    The flap slips between the mattress and box spring or platform. Hanging open at the head of the bed you store remote controls or lip balm etc. Things you use in bed. Additional it can be a PJ bag. Place your nighty inside and display next to the pillows in the morning. 👍️

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Dec 11, 2024

    Keep them to store the clean sets in after washing! Store Shoess or Handbags in them. Keep your undies or smalls in (especially when travelling)!

  • Dee Dee on Dec 13, 2024

    I use them to store my purses. Keeps them clean and dust free. I also use them over hangers to keep my sweaters looking good.

  • Peter Peter on Dec 29, 2024

    I’ve been holding on to those fabric bags too, and I’ve found a few good uses for them. The ones with elastic are perfect for storing cables and chargers, and I also use them to keep shoes or scarves organized in my closet. The ones with velcro closures are great for travel – I pack them with toiletries or small items, and they keep everything neat. I’ve also used a few as gift bags when I needed something simple but eco-friendly.

  • Jan Harris Jan Harris on Jan 07, 2025

    I had that question too. I just want to say thank you to all the suggestions! Amazing!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jan 07, 2025

    Handbags & Shoes