My oven smells like dead mouse - help!

As the title says, my oven smells like dead mouse. I've cleaned inside the oven, taken the oven out, and cleaned the back - the rodent smell is still there. Where is it, how do I get to it, and how do I get rid of the awful smell?
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Hi there, if it isn't under it or behind it it must have got INTO it somehow. Does your oven have a cleaning setting? I'm thinking that might be your best bet. It stinks up the house something fierce even without a dead mouse in the works but it is the best way to fully clean it. Our oven locks itself and basically gets as hot as possible for a couple of hours. Very stinky, but it does work.
it could be in the back of the oven behind the panel
Have you pulled the unit out? The mouse may be stuck behind it.
You may have to disassemble it since you pulled it out and have cleaned it.
Can't tell from you picture if there something on top such as burners.
It maybe under that and above the top of the oven.
Is there any chance it could be in a cupboard next to your oven?
It probably got in between the panels. If the back panel can be removed check that out. If the floor panel can be removed check that out.
I bet if you pull the oven out, you are likely to find the culprit.
You are going to have to pull out the entire oven and look behind it, under and around it. Look for holes in the walls or baseboards.
If you cleaned the oven the only other place is behind or under the drawer. Pull out the drawer and look in around it. Use a flashlight to look behind the stove or just pull it away from the wall and look. That is how the stove got in place in the first place just slowly pull it out until you can see the gas pipe feed or the electrical plug.
You could have one that is either inside the walls or in a cabinet nearby. The only thing I can think of is to remove it from the kitchen to determine if it is cabinet or unit. Then see if there's a way to remove the panels. If it is a dead mouse, the smell should grow more faint in a short amount of time but I would still want to find and remove the source.
Sad that you can't find the culprit after searching extensively. The odor will eventually dissapate but using coffee grounds, baking soda, vinegar or a commercial product in the immediate area of the smell will help to alleviate the obnoxious odor in the meantime.
A special friend could have gotten into the back so pulling it out and removing the back panel might do the trick. It could also be in the wall itself which only time will take care of unfortunately.
You really need to pull it out and take the back panel off. Good luck!
This guide may be able to help!
You may have mice if your oven smells like urine. They enjoy the warmth and food that has been spilt there. When you cook, their urine that collects within gives out a potent stink. The issue can be resolved with a complete and deep oven clean.
Here's a post that might help