Need repair of an Ello Furniture Curtain Call wall unit.

The web site is still up, although they are out of busines. I sent an email but got no response.
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Not sure this is still active but worth a try. I have a similar unit with the doors getting hung up. There's a hard notched rubber chain on mine which is stripped which I think is causing my problem. Anyone figure out where to get parts.
I Have the same problem with the Ello curtain call unit. Does any one have a manual.
If you send me your e-mail address I can send you a scanned version.
Roslyn - let me know your e-mail address and I'll send you an electronic version of the manual. Regards, Jim Gheida
Hi Jim, if you could please email me a copy too that would be great. partnerstrusaf at gmail dot com. I have a working one of these that I just acquired--if anyone needs part #s or ?? I have the motor out of the piece.
Sorry, partnerstrustaf at gmail dot com
Just sent.
I just e-mailed the instructions to you. Regards, Jim
I got a delivery failure on that e-mail address above.
Hi Jim. Could you send me a copy as well?
Is anyone interested in selling their motor and remote for the curtain call unit?
Does anyone know where to get the same replacement hinges for Ello cabinet doors? They are different from the ones typically available at Home Depot, Lowe's etc. I need one. Thank you.
I’m in need of the Ello Curtain Call manual. Can you please email it to me. I’m moving and need to disassemble it.
Can you help me with my Ello? Do you still have the manual? Please send to. Thanks
have the same problem with a friends unit. It is a broken plastic coupling between motor and gearbox. Having problems finding one.
Can’t answer this; however I have the entertainment center that probably came before, as it closes manually. It’s a beautiful piece in titanium, mirrors & glass. Unfortunately movers made a few scratches on one side when assembling, and we’ve had in storage ever since. Does anyone know of someone who could help repair and/or the best options for selling? Also, we have the curved vitrine in brass, but don’t have any other brass in our home. How could we refinish/paint in a nickel or black finish? Many thanks!
Even if the main company went out of business someone has to service their products. Goggle it and see what you can find.
Hi David: Here's a site that should help:
Ello furniture curtain call wall unit - Free Pdf Manuals Download | ManualsLib
Good luck
Can anyone send me the assembly instructions for the Ello Curtain Call ? I have the Myrtle Burl X Pattern. I'm moving from one house to another and want to dis-assemble then re-assemble. I would be eternally grateful !
Paul Campana 314-974-5234