Asked on Jul 23, 2012

Need repair of an Ello Furniture Curtain Call wall unit.

by David
Unit has electric doors, and is a very large piece. The doors now suddenly come to rest in a mis-aligned position. Ello went out of business two years ago. They used a network of installers to set up their units. I need such an agent, near to New York City, ideally in Nassau County.A service manual for the Curtain Call unit would be great, too. Then I could make the adjustment myself. Any owner of a Curtain Call might have such a manual. If you want to see what a unit looks like, visit
The web site is still up, although they are out of busines. I sent an email but got no response.
This is a Curtain Call wall unit. The doors open via an electric motor.
  31 answers
  • Have you tried any of the larger high end furniture stores in the area? I doubt it is to hard to fix, but as you said, not much information on this unit. I did find a company in PA that services furniture and lists Ello as one of the products they sell. Email is Hope that helps you. perhaps someone else has an idea on how to fix this issue.
    • Roslyn Ellis Roslyn Ellis on Nov 05, 2017

      Can you please send the address or number of the company that services Ello. I would appreciate your help. thanks

  • Jim Gheida Jim Gheida on Nov 17, 2013
    I have the assembly instructions for a Curtain Call unit that I purchased in '97 if you're still interested. I'm looking for replacement belts (used to move the doors) for this same unit. Any ideas where I can find that?
    • See 6 previous
    • Avi121724689 Avi121724689 on Aug 27, 2024

      Do you still have a copy of the manual ?



  • Ray Ray on Dec 13, 2013
    i hope you have resolved all your issues with your unit because my unit doors just started acting up. Can you please forward any info for replacements belts to thanks
  • Patricia Brining Patricia Brining on Dec 13, 2013
    check on you tube!
  • Jesse Jesse on Feb 09, 2014
    I have the manuals and assembly directions. Did anyone find a list of installers they used? I called tried the number of the installer who did ours and that umber is also disconnected.
    • See 8 previous
    • Larry Jones Larry Jones on Dec 21, 2018

      I have a Curtain Call unit I bought in 1999. I am moving and would love to see a manual on how to disassemble/assemble it. Any chance there is a .pdf version?

      Larry Jones

  • Barb in Texas Barb in Texas on Apr 04, 2014
    I have a wall unit in a pickled finish that needs repairs due to being moved a few times. Minor ones, just cosmetic. Or, I'd be willing to sell for the right price, since I really don't have room for the piece in my new home.
  • Barb in Texas Barb in Texas on Apr 04, 2014
    I have a wall unit in a pickled finish that needs repairs due to being moved a few times. Minor ones, just cosmetic. Or, I'd be willing to sell for the right price, since I really don't have room for the piece in my new home.
  • Cyn369945 Cyn369945 on Jul 10, 2014
    I have a unit labeled "La Cage" #346 Vitrine Unit" that I need to have dissembled. Does anyone know of installers in the Chicago area? The style # LC-16-3743.
  • Rcp246326 Rcp246326 on Nov 02, 2014
    I've had the silver and black Ello unit for many years. The motor that opens and closes the doors gave out. The remote still activates the switch, but the motor is dead. I can't find any installers to help replace motor. Does anyone know of Ello knowledgeable shops in Chicago area, or anything about the name/model on the motor? Help much appreciated. Please reply to if have any information at all. Thanks
    • See 2 previous
    • Rcp246326 Rcp246326 on May 24, 2020

      Christine Haas...if you look further down this thread, you see that Jim Gheida us able to send people e-copy of the manual.

  • David David on Nov 02, 2014
    I started looking for a repair facility a few years back, and did not succeed. If all else fails, you can loosen the set screw on the rotator gear (it's the small wheel at the upper left which moves the rubber belt). Once that set screw is loosened, you can open and close the doors manually. It's not as cool as auto doors, but it makes the unit useable.
  • Jane Jane on Nov 10, 2014
    I have an ello buffet in taupe #V Titanium Glass. The glass is slipping from the board it is attached to and so my doors are out of alignment. I took it in to a glass business and they would like to color of paint used on the glass. Does anyone know where I can find this information? Jane
    • Connie Connie on Sep 13, 2015
      @Jane same problem we went to home depot and matched the color pretty close, put on more double stick tape. Not a permanent solution and it doesn't look perfect
  • Idofurniture Idofurniture on Apr 01, 2015
    Does anyone have dimensions on this
  • David Wilson David Wilson on Mar 11, 2017

    Not sure this is still active but worth a try. I have a similar unit with the doors getting hung up. There's a hard notched rubber chain on mine which is stripped which I think is causing my problem. Anyone figure out where to get parts.

  • Roslyn Ellis Roslyn Ellis on Nov 05, 2017

    I Have the same problem with the Ello curtain call unit. Does any one have a manual.

  • Jim Gheida Jim Gheida on Nov 05, 2017

    If you send me your e-mail address I can send you a scanned version.

  • Jim Gheida Jim Gheida on Nov 05, 2017

    Roslyn - let me know your e-mail address and I'll send you an electronic version of the manual. Regards, Jim Gheida

    • See 1 previous
    • Rhonda Sanders Rhonda Sanders on May 28, 2018


      i am in desperate need of a manual for the Ello showplace curtain call. Would you be so kind and help an old lady out??? I would be forever grateful.

  • Michael D Opdahl Michael D Opdahl on Jan 29, 2018

    Hi Jim, if you could please email me a copy too that would be great. partnerstrusaf at gmail dot com. I have a working one of these that I just acquired--if anyone needs part #s or ?? I have the motor out of the piece.

  • Michael D Opdahl Michael D Opdahl on Jan 29, 2018

    Sorry, partnerstrustaf at gmail dot com

  • Jim Gheida Jim Gheida on Apr 06, 2018

    Just sent.

  • Jim Gheida Jim Gheida on Apr 19, 2018

    I just e-mailed the instructions to you. Regards, Jim

    • See 7 previous
    • Jim Gheida Jim Gheida on Sep 01, 2020

      Sue, I just sent you the assembly instructions.

  • Jim Gheida Jim Gheida on Apr 19, 2018

    I got a delivery failure on that e-mail address above.

  • Shelly Shelly on Aug 05, 2018

    Hi Jim. Could you send me a copy as well?

  • Dayna Dayna on Jan 22, 2019

    Is anyone interested in selling their motor and remote for the curtain call unit?

  • Peter Peter on Feb 10, 2021

    Does anyone know where to get the same replacement hinges for Ello cabinet doors? They are different from the ones typically available at Home Depot, Lowe's etc. I need one. Thank you.

    comment photo
  • Lin Lin on Apr 27, 2021

    I’m in need of the Ello Curtain Call manual. Can you please email it to me. I’m moving and need to disassemble it.

  • Austine Ellis Austine Ellis on May 14, 2021

    Can you help me with my Ello? Do you still have the manual? Please send to. Thanks

  • Eric Eric on Nov 30, 2021

    have the same problem with a friends unit. It is a broken plastic coupling between motor and gearbox. Having problems finding one.

  • Laura Laura on Sep 06, 2022

    Can’t answer this; however I have the entertainment center that probably came before, as it closes manually. It’s a beautiful piece in titanium, mirrors & glass. Unfortunately movers made a few scratches on one side when assembling, and we’ve had in storage ever since. Does anyone know of someone who could help repair and/or the best options for selling? Also, we have the curved vitrine in brass, but don’t have any other brass in our home. How could we refinish/paint in a nickel or black finish? Many thanks!

  • Mogie Mogie on Oct 01, 2022

    Even if the main company went out of business someone has to service their products. Goggle it and see what you can find.

  • Paul Campana Paul Campana on Nov 19, 2024

    Can anyone send me the assembly instructions for the Ello Curtain Call ? I have the Myrtle Burl X Pattern. I'm moving from one house to another and want to dis-assemble then re-assemble. I would be eternally grateful !

    Paul Campana 314-974-5234