Old desk with hard rubber top needs help

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Leave it the way it is. Those desks are AWESOME. Can't get them anymore. I have one myself. Took all that crud these people are suggesting off the top with no idea what i'd find underneath and STRUCK GOLD.
So how do you actually care for your rubber top desk. I love mine, but lately it is sticky and absorbs everything. Can you help? Can you date this desk?
I think the idea by MN Mom is a good one, very impressive to have a leather topped desk, you could match it to your decor, maybe even decorate the edges of it.
I came across this site when looking for some ideas on how to restore the top of this desk. I suppose it is rubber?? Filling the holes and nicks would be great, but even to know how to best clean it would be nice. It gets sort of crumbly when rubbed with a wet cloth. 400 grit sandpaper took off some paint(?) and ink markings. Any tips welcome!
Have you considered purchasing a mural or artwork design that will fit the size of your desk. A world map or something to do with your family's hobbies might be a theme. Unroll the mural onto the desk and top it with a clear glass as was suggested earlier. The design could be changed if you tire of the design you chose now.
I could cover the top, but I like it as it is since it holds sentimental value. My mother secretly saved her spare change to purchase this desk for my father as a gift, birthday or Christmas, I am not remembering. I have good memories of both of them working at this desk. If anyone can confirm what type of top this actually is and best method for cleaning, I would be grateful!
I did take matters into my own hands--sanded it with 400 grit sandpaper and then cleaned it with ArmorAll Protectant. I think it turned okay. Time will tell whether the AmorAll has any adverse effects on it.
Try using an Iron over Brown paper to see if it softens it to allow you to smooth it over.
When it comes to cleaning rubber materials, start by removing any loose dirt or debris with a soft brush. Then create a mild soap solution — dish soap diluted in warm water works well — and use a sponge or rag to gently scrub the rubber. Be sure to thoroughly rinse off any soap residue. OR
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