Asked on May 05, 2024

What are your thoughts on painted brick: yay or nay?

Painting bricks can completely transform the appearance of a home, giving it a fresh, modern look or adding a pop of color to an otherwise plain facade.

On the other hand, some argue that painting over brick can detract from its character and charm, especially in older homes with historic appeal.

So, what's your take? Have you ever considered painting bricks in your home? Or do you believe in preserving the original beauty of brick surfaces?

Share your thoughts and experiences with us!

Painting bricks, what are your thoughts?

  12 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on May 05, 2024

    It rather depends on where they are, what Look I require, How attractive they are at the moment etc. First If I like but don't want the dust or them to pick up stains, I would seal them, infact if you seal them first and want to paint oiver it will save you a lot of paint, because they absorb everything. Sometimes If I want Red Brick I will use Brick and Tile Paint. If I then want a gloss or sheen, I will use Cardinal Red Polish on them. Sometimes I will only paintthe joints with aaan art brush, so it depends!!

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on May 05, 2024

    Hmmm.....thank you for the picture, it is appreciated.

    I don't think I would paint all the bricks in your situation, maybe some variations in the color of the bricks to break up the monotony of them. Either that or some beautiful wall art to overwhelm the brick.

    You might have considered chalk paint or a German schmeer techniques, I have a hard time imagining them on this.

    To stain your bricks I think I would go for a subtle look. There are probably endless variations of stain-stain combinations.

    You could also go to the top of this page and type in staining bricks to see what other Hometalkers have to say about their experiences.

    Best to you and hope you'll share your project.

  • Janice Janice on May 05, 2024

    I believe painting or not painting is dependent upon how you want the home to feel and also how historic the home might be. If the raw brick adds to the charm, well then go with that; however there are a lot of nondescript fireplaces, pony walls, etc. that were installed by builders as "features" and they could certainly be painted and look better and modernize the look of tract homes. I once painted a red brick fireplace a glossy white in a town-home we owned and it totally changed the look and feel of the place. It brightened it up and we enjoyed it being painted for years before we sold the place. So, it totally depends.......but I'd say yay most of the time!

  • I have lived in homes with red unpainted brick fireplaces and one with a white painted fireplace. We weren't the ones who painted the fireplace, but it fit the house perfectly and looked great. The original/ natural brick would've looked out of place with its pastel decor and beachy vibe. Likewise, the red brick fireplaces looked right at home in the other homes. I have to say, I love the look of a white washed brick exterior. So charming. In the end, I think it's really up to the homeowner and what brings them joy.

  • Deb K Deb K on May 05, 2024

    Hi Amy, I have painted my brick fireplace in a medium grey at my old house ( I still miss that house) and it looked fabulous! It made it look modern! I had a slate mantle so it looked perfect!

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on May 05, 2024

    Painting brick does give a home an entire new look, but you have to be aware that once you paint them, you will need to repaint them again to keep them looking good.

  • Dee Dee on May 05, 2024

    Brick Anew has great kits, but that is not really necessary. You should have no problem painting it. Loxon primer from Sherwin-Williams is what I’d use to start, then topcoat with your favorite latex paint. For me, it would be SW’s SuperPaint or Duration.That being said, these are both good options. But I am not a fan of painted fireplaces


  • Painting brick is definitely a controversial topic for the reasons you listed. I think there are a lot of variables at play and there are arguments for both sides. If painting it is going to devalue the home or if the home has historical significance, painting brick is probably a bad idea. At the same time, we should live in our homes in a way that makes us happy and not be concerned with future dwellers. It's a tough one for sure!

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on May 06, 2024

    In general, I say no to painted brick. However, there are exceptions for me. I don't care for the "orange" brick and would paint them. I would be more likely to paint the mortar joints and leave the brick.

  • Betsy Betsy on May 07, 2024

    Hi Amy: I'm a nay :) Same with painting wood moldings and such :) More of a naturalist, I guess. I think the beauty of the brick shines through when it's unpainted. When painted, to me, it looks fake. I have a brick fireplace and when it gets dirty, it's easy to clean, no paint flaking off :) Just brick, beautiful brick :) Then again, it depends on what the person prefers and how it would fit into the 'look' of the room.

  • Maureen Tate Maureen Tate on May 07, 2024

    It's personal preference. I like the red brick myself.

  • Danielle Danielle on May 13, 2024

    All natural for me