Asked on Aug 31, 2013

Removing 1920's cast iron kitchen sink

by Lynn
We have the plumbing figured out, but our problem is is that there seems to be something holding the back of the sink to the wall. A friend said there may very well be bolts holding it...if this is the case, where approx would they be & how would we go about unbolting it? I sure would hate to resort to busting it up just to get it out.
  26 answers
  • There should be bolts/brackets way up in the back of the sink. Pedestal or wall mounted sinks have brackets and bolts that hold them to the wall. Did you try and lift it up off like it is on a bracket? It would be a shame to destroy that beautiful sink. That is the type people want now for kitchen remodels or even for potting benches. Good luck
  • Lynn Lynn on Aug 31, 2013
    Thanks for responding. There is a window directly above the sink and the bottom frame to that window practically sits on the back of the sink. I don't think removing the window frame is a project we want to tackle on top what we've already got going. We appreciate the history of the sink & destroying it isn't a pleasant thought, but looks like we may be running out of options.
    • @Lynn there is no reaching up underneath where the plumbing goes? Here is another thought~if you are going to sell it or give it away, advertise it and then tell the person to remove it. that is a thought. Removing a window sill is not that hard with the right tools. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  • Saw Contractors Saw Contractors on Sep 01, 2013
    If you lived around me I would gladly show you how easy it is to remove. The sill is very easy to take off but you should not have to do that. if the bolts are under the sink they will probably be square nuts. Just loosen them and the sink will lift off if you have the plumbing off. use a adjustable wrench and lots of light and work slow and steady. you can do it.
  • Sia@South 47th Sia@South 47th on Sep 01, 2013
    OMG I have been looking for one of these for a very long time. I'm crying to think you will bust it up. I hope you place an ad on craigslist and have someone come and remove it and take it with them. And? I wish it were ME lol!!
  • White Oak Studio Designs White Oak Studio Designs on Sep 01, 2013
    These sinks are very "hot" right now. Folks are buying old one to put in their kitchens!
  • Thomas Thomas on Sep 01, 2013
    Your sink may be attached with V shaped hanger bracket across the high back. Have you tried to lift straight up after disconnecting the plumbing and waste piping? It should lift off after several inches of pushing up on the whole sink! Maybe use a solid block of wood on the lower rim and hammer on wood block at the bottom lip. Hope this helps :)
  • Lynn Lynn on Sep 01, 2013
    Thanks everyone for your responses. We're still
    • Carolyn Walkowiak Carolyn Walkowiak on Aug 23, 2014
      @Lynn I have same kind of sink in my pantry. Trying to re-plumb the house and keep using it as I am 4th generation in this house. Sink is hung on smooth cast iron cup brackets bolted to the studs. Tabs on top edge of sink fit in these 'cups'. Sink should be lifted by at least two strong guys straight up. If you break the wall bracket you can buy more! Signature Hardware- 1-866-855-2284. They have a web site too. Brackets are not expensive - $20.00. Good luck and keep me posted?
  • House Of Hawthornes House Of Hawthornes on Sep 01, 2013
    Fabulous sink! Hope you get it figured out. The house I grew up in had one until we remodeled, but since I was 7 at the time, I didn't pay any attention to how they got it out.
  • Jossi Jossi on Sep 02, 2013
    Please do not destroy the sink ! You can sell it quick for $100, more if you're willing to wait a couple of weeks ! Please call a local plumber and ask him how to remove it. If he can't tell you over phone, try putting the dilemma up on your local craigslist or List Serv. Maybe offer for sale with the deal being the buyer must remove ! I've been LOOKING for one of these ...for less than $300 here in VT !
    • Gary Gary on Feb 15, 2018

      There $1000 plus now in 2018 in California! $300 ? Oh Lawd!

  • Nan Nan on Sep 02, 2013
    You're in Minerva and I'm in Bolivar. Contact me if you want to sell it PLEASE! I love that style and have been looking for one for a couple of years now.
  • Southernlady Southernlady on Sep 02, 2013
    Considering one of these sold for over $700, I would be very careful removing it.
  • Michelle Wigman Nason Michelle Wigman Nason on Sep 02, 2013
    I agree, please don't destroy such a perfect piece of history. We love those kind of sinks. Maybe you could build a cabinet around it and keep it intack. They are really nice with a tall faucet and make canning very simple.
  • Bonnie Lewenza Bonnie Lewenza on Sep 03, 2013
    I would not bust this up, however if you garden at all you may consider using it as a potting table outside. Could even hook it back up to outside water. Just an idea as for the bolts they are probably up at the top portion of the sink.
  • Just "lift" the sink up off the brackets on the wall that are holding it. I'd love to have that sink and incorporate/update around it. Did that once in a 1920's house I used to have. It was perfect.
  • Nan Nan on Sep 10, 2013
    Just curious............were you able to remove the sink?
  • Diane Carlisle Diane Carlisle on Sep 10, 2013
    What a beautiful sink! I hope you removed it without damaging it. I would love to have one like this for my cottage in a few years.
  • Nan Nan on Sep 29, 2013
    Were you able to remove the sink?
  • Linda Linda on Sep 29, 2013
    Are your getting rid of that old cast iron sink? Please toss it my way.I love it!
  • Lynne Lynne on Sep 29, 2013
    i love the sink..i wish the old house i bought had that sink
  • Dianne Anderson Dianne Anderson on Mar 13, 2015
    I just paid 80 dollars to have a sink like this in my house. I cannot believe you want to get rid of yours. They are back in style and better than ever.
  • Dee Dee on Aug 10, 2015
    Looking at the date on the post, I suppose it is too late, but there is a bracket behind the sink It is attached to the wall and you would have to slightly lift the sink straight up and then away from the wall. I do so wish I could have that sink!
  • Nikki Nikki on Sep 03, 2015
    I love that sink!!
  • Gladys Gladys on Mar 04, 2016
    I priced a new retro sink that is configured the same way, only in acrylic. It was well over $1,000. You could always add built-in cabinets.
  • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on Jun 05, 2016
    That's a fabulous sink.....could and would love that in my beach house! (To dream for!)
  • Andre Gouin Andre Gouin on Nov 06, 2016
    I have a double sink just like it if anyone wants it and is willing to pay for shipping from BC Canada your welcomed to it
    comment photo
  • Lucy Marie Bernier Lucy Marie Bernier on Nov 10, 2016