Removing melted plastic from oven racks and oven interior

I had been storing plastic bins in my oven and then, without thinking (obviously). I turned on the oven. There was plastic melted over the racks, coils, and floor. How do I remove the plastic without damaging the oven?
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My issue is the fire extinguisher stuff I cleaned it up the best I could but worried about the toxic issue. Okay our oven was brand new and the maid put the dirty dishes in the oven. We rarley use it but I turned it on we hard flames coming from the oven three feet high 😞😡. The fire extinguisher stuff went all over. we picked off the big pieces but am afraid to warm the oven to soften the rest.
flames three feet high?
time for a new oven right?
Try using easy off oven cleaner and leave it over night. Wipe it clean in the morning. I tried it and it worked. Hope this helps.
This just happened to me! Not impressed by my daughters cooking abilities. Definitely easier by adding some heat so plastic can melt a bit. Hold onto racks with a dishcloth, so as not to burn yourself and scrape away at plastic. Even better, as I got tired of scraping and almost burning myself, is putting the rack into a roasting pan and letting it melt completely into the pan, especially if you've put a bit of oil in the pan. Much easier and all the plastic slides right out. Brilliant
After years of cooking why did I do this?!!!
These answers made it so much simpler.
If you have a large freezer I would just bag racks etc and place them in there until plastic frozen and easier to break off.
I only have small freezer in apt fridge.
Did one rack at a time.
1. Heated rack in hot oven.
2. Oven mitts on. Removed rack to sink. Scraped off all I could with wooden spoon. It works!
Then pulled off what looked pullable.
3. Used strong kitchen scissors to cut into and off larger pieces.
4. Razor blade Scraper to remove
what was still left.
5.Then reheated in oven and wiped off bars on racks with damp cloth.
6. Sigh of relief...
7. Well I also managed to start a fire in oven but baking soda took care of that. Sigh.
Now wonder what landlord thinks I am cooking...but otherwise all is good. Thanks to all for advice.😊
For the plastic that's wrapped around the oven racks, after it cools and hardens, a pair of pliers gently twisting cracks it right off in tube pieces.
My granddaughter put two stuffed unicorns in the oven and I decided to make pizza. the oven was on fire. I got them out, but one of them was dripping all over the bottom of the oven. The whole inside of the oven is coated in plastic film because I had to leave the door closed to snuff the flames. I might be able to get the stuff off the bottom, but I am not sure how to get it off of every single inch of the inside of the oven. I am afraid to self-clean for fear it will set itself on fire again. It was smoking so badly. the whole house smells like a defunct toy factory.
I had a client do this. I ran the rack under really hot water and used coarse steel wool and a metal scraper to get it off. The inside I heated up, wearing a mask, just til the plastic was sticky and scraped it off with a metal scraper. Then steel wool to ensure it was all off.
I have an older gas oven/stove.I accidentally melted a Tupperware bowl in it last week.Thesmell was awful.I immediately turned off the oven and removed the oven rack with the melted bowl still attached. Was able to pry off most of it and put the oven rack in my freezer until the attached plastic became brittle.I was able to remove most of it by hand,but had to use a pliers to get the rest off.The bottom of the oven also had some plastic drips on it.The bottom oven metal plate was removable,so I used the same freezer method with that.Just to be on the safe side,I then cleaned the whole inside of the oven with oven cleaner,including the bottom plate and the racks then scrubbed everything with steel wool pads,then wiped all down with vinegar and water.There is absolutely no visible plastic on anything,but the oven still has a slight smell of the plastic.I am concerned if my oven is still safe now to cook food in.
So I left a plastic Tupperware in my stove. It burnt all on the bottom of the oven. I caught it quick (as it was on fire). Right now it is -13 degrees out. I opened all windows, and doors I could. As it got cold I scraped out the cooled plastic with a Metal spatula, wiped what I could then heated up the stove and used a SOS pad, and keep Wiping as I was going. With the stove warm the plastic just wiped off. Cleaner then it has been in a long time. And no smell at all.
I would back up and park my 1250hp mk4 toyota supra right in front my oven and two-step the hell outta it.. If the melted plastic didnt melt away, your oven sure would have!
A good pair of needle nose plyers and about 40 minutes of my time and a cracked knuckle later, I snapped the cooled plastic chunk off. I used the cutting part of the needle nose to cut chunks off until it got close to the rack. Then I gently twisted it back and forth until it snapped right off. Now to try the other methods here to get the blob off the bottom of the oven. Thank you folks
And that took about 30 seconds. Oven was totally cooled. I used a silicone covered spatula and just used gentle pressure at the base. It popped right off. Used regular hot water with a green scrubby and there is no residue behind. Thank you everyone!
I saw the advice to use a heat-gun which made me think of the lighter I had. I took the rack with the melted plastic attached. I ended up re-lighting the plastic which burned away. (Although I must say the flame did build up higher than I expected.) The next thing that occurred is that the plastic is hard enough to hammer away. I placed the rack on the garage floor and hammered it away, finally it was completely removed.
Heat the oven a bit, then use a hard plastic flipper or spatula to jab at the hardened plastic. Could take awhile to get it all off, it's quite a job.
For the oven racks with plastic (e.g. polypropalene) melted on them. I put the racks into the freezer (4 degrees F) to make it brittle. Some bits came off easily with a 1” paint scraper; I whacked large lumps with the side of pliers or pinched them, then scraped the residue off with the scraper. 20 minutes. Done, good as before the meltdown!
Heat up the oven until plastic becomes easier to remove. Once the oven has the plastic removed, clean it in the normal way.
I baked frozen oysters from the store, following the instructions, and the plastic tray melted! I'm so happy that HomeTalk has some solutions I can try!
While the oven is cool, place a few frozen items from your freezer onto the plastic for several minutes, remove the items, and use a strong plastic spatula to "pop" the very cold plastic off the oven and racks, and heating element. I've learned to never store any items other than metal cookie sheets and baking pans in my oven (the hard way). Not even pans that have a plastic handle!
Contact the manufacturer for the best advice.