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Should a toilet tank wobble?

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You need to tighten the bolt(s).
The best way to tighten the bolts is by make a ¼ turn alternatively on each bolt.
It should not be moving at all. Check the bolts and make sure they are tight as well as any nuts,
Toilet tank should not wobble. Most are held down with two nuts and bolts. Check if the nuts are loose underneath. Also check if the bolt heads are corroded on the inside. Then new bolts would be needed.
Good advice so far, just be sure not to tighten the bolts so tight that you crack the ceramic as that can cause the tank to leak.
No, it should not wobble. Tighten the bolts on the bottom of the tank.
Hope this Helps! Jeremy
Nope, it should not wobble, check under the tank and see if the nuts are loose, if so, tighten them.
Hi Amy, no it is not good for the tank to wobble, this can lead to an unfortunate event. It's to me like there are brackets holding the tank on, you will need to tighten those up to stop the wobbling. You should either find the bolts to tighten on the brackets up top or on the underside. Hope this helped you out.
It's not normal, no. Sounds like it might be loose. If you take the top off, you might be able to see how it's attached then tighten things from there. Be careful not to tighten too much lest the tank cracks.
No the tank should not be moving. The bolts may be lose, but be care of over tightening because you can crack the porcelain.
Hey there, Amy! If the tank is wobbling, then there is possibly a loose bolt in the tank that keeps it attached to the bowl. In this case, you need to tighten them up a little bit. You don't want them too tight as it could be difficult to remove or even start to crack the tank itself.
Sorry but the tank shouldn't wobble. Check the bolts and if you tighten them be careful not to over tighten them as that could crack the toilet.