Is there a way to warm up the color of LED lights?

How can I make LED disc lights a warmer color? They are too white, I want them to have a more yellow warm glow.
Best LED light!
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Hi Diane, sorry your LED lights are too white. I hope this helps you solve your problem. Can you paint LED light bulbs?
Purchase special heat-resistant glass paint.
Find paint that is made for glass or safe for painting ceramics at your local craft store. Do not use regular acrylic or oil-based paint on light bulbs. When you turn your light bulb on, regular paint on the hot glass can cause your light bulb to explode.Sep 27, 2019
How to Paint Light Bulbs - › paint-light-bulbs
I remember reading a post not so long ago about a lady wanting the same thing. She used a yellow sharpie to do hers.
Hi Diane, you can paint your fairy light using acrylic paints mixed with a gel medium. We've also painted some of our with Unicorn SPiT.
Hello there,
You could use all of the above or use Glass paint (Craft Shop or online) or add a little food colouring to Mod Podge and use that. Hope that helps.........
An appropriate shade of sheer nail polish might be considered.
Here's a video that might help -
Diane...I would use yellow food coloring and Elmer's glue...mix well (I use toothpick) then gently paint with a sponge brush...could use an art brush but I usually use sponge. Good luck
You can also buy warm tone led bulbs in the future. Thetes a display in the lighting dept at Home Depot. They also came out with warn led Christmas lights this year - very nice.
If they are not programmable LED lights, you'll need to purchase new ones that are in a warmer temperature range. LED's are set at a specific color and typically can't be adjusted.
Not all LED lights are dimmable. You will need to determine if they work with a dimmer. If not, you can purchase warm LED lights. The white ones are quite harsh.
You could try "painting" them with either yellow, pink, or peach Sharpie pens. Experiment a bit with one to get the light tone you want and then color the rest of them.
From my personal experience, I can say that approximately 2500K - yellow radiation is obtained by increasing the "temperature" of the color. Also, this shade can be observed at sunrise. This is the most successful shade for lighting living rooms in an apartment. LED lamps scatter warm white light better than bright orange, so light yellow light gives a feeling of comfort and tranquility. You can find these on the lighting and supplies store, I took them myself from here. The previous light I had was whiter, and it shone very strongly into the eyes and face, even when you were not looking directly at it, which eventually gave me a headache.