Please share your Halloween gift basket ideas.
What Are Some Creative Halloween Gift Baskets You’ve Made or Received?

Hey everyone! With Halloween coming up, I’m thinking of making some themed gift baskets for friends and family.
Have you made or received a Halloween gift basket before?
I’d love to hear what you included and any creative or spooky twists you put on it. I’m thinking of doing a mix of treats and DIY items. Any ideas?
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Oh cute! I would add candy in treat bags, maybe a few baked goods in holiday themed cello bags. I've made Halloween glasses with decals added or you can make a candle holder with the same technique. They might be fun for the older recipients.
Mix of Muffins, Sweets, fruit.
What a great idea. The most I've ever done is treat bags for kids and I usually put fun things that were a mix of halloween and upcoming holidays.
When thinking of creative baskets to give, I consider the person's interests first and try to do some detective work about them. For instance, if a person is into golf, you could find out what brand of balls they prefer and add a dozen into a basket, you might add a monogramming kit, monogrammed hand tool, etc. Fisherman, some hooks, flys, and that sort of gear. You can display items in the basket creatively, then add some shrink wrap to make the basket look professional.
I save cookie tins and deocorate them with pumpkins and fall colors. I bake cookies for the neighbors children.
Hi Candice, hope this inspires you. I follow this gal, she has some fabulous ideas!