What is the best way to hem ikea curtains?

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I can't sew to save my soul, lol, so I use fabric tape and an iron for this kind of project.
Yep I agree, now to quit procrastaning, lol
The iron-on hem tape is certainly the simplest way to go but if you have access to a sewing machine it just take a little measuring, cutting, sewing and ironing. It will definitely look the best and hold up best.
If you know how to measure to shorten them, great. One REALLY easy to shorten them is to actually raise the curtain rod by the number of inches they need to be hemmed :). If that's not possible, then as the others said, first pin where you want them to fall (i'd suggest 1/2" from the floor so they don't drag.)
Then take them down, and either sew, use hem tape, or take them to a dry cleaner to hem for you. Good luck!
If you do not have a sewing machine, take to a cleaners that does alterations. They can hem dor you. First wash the curtains so any shrinkage will occur before heming. Then measure how long they need to be. Give that measurement to the seamstress. Might cost a few dollars, but will be done correctly and will hang properly.
Leave bottom alone make new rod pocket at top bottom will look good top will be bunch up won't see if you don't sew quite streight
This is a 3 minute fix if you sew.. Ask a friend if you can.. Maybe offer to bake a treat,,,, It will take longer the measure and turn under, than sew it..
I use the hemming tape that you iron. Just pin the hem where you want it, put the hemming tape between the layers, iron and remove the pins. Fast and easy. The hemming tape is available at dollar stores, WalMart, JoAnn Fabric, Michaels, etc
I'd hand stitch it with a hem stitch. I wouldn't use fusible iron-on webbing since it could ruin the soft folds of fabric.
unless you are an experienced seamstress I wouldn't recommend the hand sewing. I would go with the iron on tape, or there is a fabric glue which is good, but a little messy until dry...
There is also a glue called Fabric Tac and works wonders on fabric. Follow the directions and you will say that was easy. I've seen this glue in Walmart, Micheals and Joann's. Check this out!
Ikea sells the tape you need for effortless hemming.