Asked on May 08, 2024

What is your favorite season: spring, summer, winter, or fall?

Let's chat about our favorite seasons!

Whether you're a summer lover, a fall enthusiast, a winter aficionado, or a spring admirer, we want to know: What's your favorite season of the year?

Favorite season poll - which season is your best and why?

  9 answers
  • Spring is definitely my favorite season!

  • Summer, summer, summer, summer. I live on an island and it comes to life in the warmer months. Plus as a decor enthusiast, once the summer rolls around, and we spend tons of time outside, I have a bunch of new spaces in the yard to decorate.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on May 08, 2024

    Here in Baltimore, we have really hot, humid summers that make you appreciate the fall. Honestly when they are both over, winter hopefully brings snow. Being from NYS, Buffalo area, we have lots of snow from the Lake effect. So much joy in that as a child...sledding, ice skating on the ponds across the road, building igloos, and snowball fights.

  • Janice Janice on May 08, 2024

    Here in AZ my favorite season is early spring.....feels like a new beginning and I enjoy planting annuals and perennials on my small lot. Then I check the weather in CO/WY where I used to live and marvel on how cold and snowy the weather can be there while I'm enjoying warmth and sunshine. Life is good!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on May 09, 2024


  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on May 09, 2024

    Spring - warmer weather without too hot, flowers in bloom, longer days. Only downside is the pollen.

  • Betsy Betsy on May 09, 2024

    Hi Amy: I like most parts of all of the seasons :) I like the spring when the new baby animals come out and the plants begin to grow. When I was young, so many years ago, my mom used to tell me a poem about spring. It goes like this: "In the heart of a seed, buried deep, so deep, a dear little plant lays fast asleep. Awake said the sun and see the light! Awake said the voice of the raindrops bright. The little plant arose and awoke to see what a wonderful outside the world might be." I love all of the seasons, and here in Michigan, you can experience all 4 in 1 week :)

  • Danielle Danielle on May 13, 2024

    Spring for sure

  • Annie Annie on May 31, 2024

    Fall is the best! Mild temperatures, beautiful foliage, comfy clothes. Spring is a close second with everything coming into bloom.