Best fall fertilizer
What's the best fall fertilizer for a lush spring lawn?

I want to know how to make my lawn look nice in the spring. Can you suggest the right fertilizer and care to use now during fall for a pretty lawn in the spring?
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Here are some tips:
Hello. Generally fall is a great time to aerate and over seed. Have you had a soil test recently?
Soil tests are always recommended every few years. Most every speaker in my master gardeners class recommend this for optimal way to address your soil and lawn and garden circumstances. The test box and instructions can be obtained from your local cooperative extension, unless you want your lawn service to do it.
You have to have a good soil to meet your needs to growing healthy dense turf grass. From there you will find out recommendations to promote the grass growing conditions to include fertilize lime ( pH adjustment) aerate and seed. Peemergent lawn weeds can be addressed by a lawn applicantion in the springtime—>here in zone 7 the time the forcythia are blooming.
Please also remember to utilize your local cooperative extension office for any lawn, gardening, garden pest ID and weed Id and remediation problems.
They might be the best option for suggsions for your shady situation. These offices are manned by volunteer master gardeners on site there waiting to answer the communities questions that know your local situation quite well.
Master gardeners are required to volunteer back designated hours ( plus continuing education) each year to maintain MG certification -this community outreach and education is their goal. If the MG cant answer your question on the spot—-they often send out specimens to the local universities —my office utilizes Virginia Tech for plant, insect, or disease identification. Hope this helps!
i will call them today and see what they can do to help me.
This is a good tutorial:
This is also a helpful tutorial:
It may depend on where you live. Check with your local cooperative extension or nursery.
Hi H: I like to use Vigoro.
How to choose the best fall lawn fertilizer for a lush yard in spring