What to add as edges to prevent things from falling off tables?

What would be a decorative, easy solution to things sliding off of tables? Elderly people have many pill bottles and small items that slide around as they use things on their nightstand or table beside a daybed. What would be a simple, decorative solution that could be used for any style/type of table? Something that they could do themselves without a lot of tools or expense. It would be great if it would allow a pet, like a cat, to sit on it without everything going flying! (I just gave the whole table to my cat.) This solution could make many people's life much better. Thanks!
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There are several options you can consider to prevent things from falling off tables:
I found it easiest to use a tray or low bowl to keep like things in.
You can even use a cleaning caddy (the kind you carry around and are made of plastic.
My mom had a tackle box to keep her meds in. That way she could pick it up easily or lock it if company came over.
Hello, you can get nice trays with several type of accessories from amazon for this, hope this helps you out.