Why does my house smell like sewer every time it rains?

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We have a septic smell everytime it rains hard in our house it's so awful I read online to run water when this happens and it does eventually push the smell back out of the house bit I have noticed in the very back of our yard where I'm assuming field lines are when washing clothes etc there is bubbling in the ground and even on dry days the ground in that spot remains wet and the grass is greener I need help as to what to do as we are about to buy this house and my landlord hasn't dome anything about this problem as of yet..
Ok we had that problem one thing to help is be sure the roof vents are clean. We eventually had our entire septic moved from to deep in back to front yard we are close to
lake so water issues are possible we discovered our main issue was crack in septic tank lid allowing rain water in filling lines pushing gas into house but not fluids that's the theory. Putting new wax rings on toilets as well. When gas starts we found out pour baking soda over all drain openings sinks tubs shower and then when past flush it w vinegar it will have added bonus of cleaning pipes but the soda will absorb block that and help a lot
Please Help:
We bought a new built house in August of 2015. We started noticing the rotten egg/ sewage smell whenever it rained heavily. The smell is coming from sump pump area not the drain. We have confirmed, It’s not city line water coming into the house. We have changed the sump pump a few times. What could it be. Is one of the drain leeking onto weeping tiles? Or did builder forget to connect sewage pipe?
We have this problem and the smell is very overwhelming and makes it hard to sleep cause if the smell. As a matter of fact it’s doing it right now and it is bad
We do not have a septic tank, and we are having this problem. But it started with a long, loud sound that lasted a couple minutes. After looking around it seemed to be coming from the toilet in the basement. About a minute later, the smell started... Any ideas?
Is this smell toxic for my family
Is this smell toxic for my family
you might try pouring a little bleach In the basement drains to help the smell but you should have a plumber check it out I think I remember a friend having this problem and the plumber did something to have a little water to drip in the drain all the time . Now I'm not sure what they did but whatever it was it fixed it
I have a friend that used to have this problem, only her basement was below the water line, a mile from a chemical waste dump ! She was able to sell her house to someone who visited only on the days when there wasn't a stinky (or colorful) problem. Perhaps you should consider that....
Here's a post that might help https://chascrazycreations.com/how-to-get-rid-of-odors-around-your-home/