Recycled Soda Can Flowers Wall Art

Gail@Purple Hues and Me
(IC: blogger)
While looking through a popular home decor catalog, I came across dimensional wall art, made mostly of metal, and I knew I could re-create the look! What a great upcycled craft to make using soda cans! For complete instructions visit:
Gather the following supplies of clean soda cans, craft scissors, x-acto knife, alcohol inks, q-tips, wire hangers, cardboard, glue, acrylic paints, foam brushes and canvas. Using an x-acto knife, make a slice big enough for a scissor blade and with craft scissors, cut the top and bottom off. Next, cut through the length of the can to open and finish the sides by cutting off any slivers or jagged edges. Be very careful with the sharp edges of the cut cans.
Roll the cut aluminum in the opposite direction to help remove the curl of the can. Then draw a flower shape and cut out or just cut out flowers free-hand.
Repeat steps for cutting cans and flowers. You will need at least 10 flowers. Place cut out flowers on soft surface and press center to shape and manipulate to give dimension. Edges can also be rolled using a pencil or pen.
Cut a piece of cardboard the shape of a vase. Lay cut out flowers and cardboard in position to determine placement layout.
Cut off straight metal pieces from wire hangers for the stems, shape into curves and place under flowers on canvas.
Begin coloring aluminum flowers with the alcohol inks. Alcohol inks are great for adding color to non-porous surfaces such as aluminum. I used three colors to achieve so many different floral shades and hues just by dripping a drop or two onto the surface, swirling the ink around and using a q-tip to spread.
Paint the canvas background and cardboard vase similar to the GrandinRoad artwork. Improvise like I did if you know nothing about painting. Glue sides of vase using tacky glue and apply to canvas, lifting the cardboard so it doesn't lie flat and is open on top to allow for the wire stems. Add the wire stems by hot gluing ends and inserting into vase. Of course I had to add some purple and switch up the design a bit!
Next, add hot glue to underside of flowers and place on stems. Then, stand back and admire your creation!
And best of all, this costs just a few dollars to create - as opposed to a very high price tag for the original! Don't you just love a knockoff?
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Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Published June 30th, 2015 3:06 PM
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2 of 261 comments
Chris Horton on May 31, 2023
Wow! I love your “knock off” lol, it’s Beautiful! This is one thing I must try! Thank you for sharing xxx🌹
Gail@Purple Hues and Me on May 31, 2023
You are so welcome, Chris! Thanks!
Frequently asked questions
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Love This! Can this same process be used if I want to create an outdoor version? Or do I need some other paint? Or perhaps a sealant? Thank you!
Great idea! I have several large canvases that could be perfect for this. How did you get the cardboard to stay curved out from the canvas for the vase? It looks like it is curved, anyway - - or just and illusion?
Is it a certain paint to use on the flowers. Or can I use arcryllic paint and add rubbing Alcohol to the arcrylic paint to get the same effect?? I think it's beautiful, you did a beautiful job on the color's